When Love Comes Late

Chapter 2238

When Stella entered the conference room, Matthew was already seated at the head of the long table.

He threw her a casual glance, only for his expression to shift when he realized that she was wheeling Lindsay into the room.

Beside him, Fernando looked a little embarrassed.

“I was just about to get you,” he said to Stella.

“But you beat me to it.

Stella gave him a polite smile.

“I’ll have to thank Lindsay for bringing me here.

Then she asked, “Where is her seat? I’ll help her there.

“Ah, yes, it’s over there.

Please let me handle that.

” Fernando then pulled out the chair next to Matthew and added in a more respectful tone, “Your seat is right here, Mrs.


Stella glanced briefly at Matthew.

Her feelings were in turmoil, but she ignored them and walked over to sit down.

Fernando moved behind Lindsay and wheeled her into position.

She was in charge of taking down the minutes, so she was on the other side of Matthew, but a few steps behind.

Lindsay stared at their seating arrangement and instantly felt a pang of envy.

It seemed like these people valued Stella more than they did her.

Stella’s words came to mind, and Lindsay’s anger was quickly replaced by a wave of fear and hatred.

She had no choice but to swallow her emotions, though.

Soon enough, the other members of the team arrived, and everyone settled down around the table.

Only then did Matthew look away from Stella.

He cleared his throat and announced the start of the meeting.

A N G E L A ‘s L I B R A R Y

Just like that, everyone in the room got into work mode.

Stella began her presentation, standing in front of the screen to discuss the slides she had prepared.

“This new clothing line has a special theme.

” She deliberately paused after saying that to build up the suspense.

When she turned to Matthew, she found him already staring at her.

For a moment, they just looked at each other, each gaze carrying a myriad of emotions across the small distance.

Stella felt her heart race as she kept her eyes on Matthew’s and revealed the theme.

“The theme this time is called, ‘The Result’.

“Why this name in particular?” someone piped up.

“What does it mean?”

Stella nodded at the speaker before looking back at Matthew.

Her voice was loud and clear as she explained, “‘The Result’ represents that ambiguous stage between two events.

On the one hand, it marks the conclusion of something, but on the other hand, it also paves the way for the start of something new.

This is meant to be the main concept of my original brand, and it also reflects my creed in life.

No matter what happens, there will always be a perfect ending and a new beginning.

She had actually come up with the theme on the spot, in hopes that Matthew would understand the message-that she was willing to stand by him, no matter what challenges life might throw their way.

Matthew was stunned by Stella’s words.

He felt as though some great force inside him was about to break free from its restraints.

His gaze lingered on Stella.

Truth be told, he couldn’t seem to take his eyes off her.

She met him stare for stare, and he could see the love and longing in her eyes.

Their silent exchange did not escape Lindsay’s notice.

She gritted her teeth and balled her hands into fists.

Unlike her, however, the other members of the team were touched by Stella’s explanation.

They applauded her idea and began to sing her praises.

“This is such an excellent concept! I’m sure it will resonate with a lot of people from all walks of life.


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