The Billionaire’s Hidden Heiress

[Book 2] Chapter 108

Dawn POV

My mind is whirling as we go outside to the barbecue. The smell of meat cooking on the grill fills the air and Mr Grant is already relaxing with a glass of wine in his hand, an indulgent smile on his face as he sits beside my mother, who sips at her wine slowly, while she watches Faith rush straight over to Patches who is playing in the dirt and rolling over and over again. I stare at my daughter, who appears to be so childlike and innocent, her smile purer than the purest snow, the light in her eyes contagious as she laughs with pure joy and I hate to think of it leaving, or of her face filling with disappointment, like it has all the other times that Dexter has flitted in and out of her life. Damn that man for causing trouble like he always does.

"For now let's not say anything" lan murmurs, holding my hand as I fight back the tears "Call him tomorrow Dawn, he can wait for a night until you've had time to think and I've had a chance for legal to look over some details for me."

lan wanted to fix things. He was flabbergasted there was no legal custody agreement in place. But, as I'd told him, rather hysterically, what good would it have done when I didn't have the money to pay for a lawyer and when Dexter hadn't shown any interest in sharing custody of Faith anyway? He'd narrowed his eyes when I had pointed that out and flattened his lips, but had thankfully chosen not to comment on what I now reflected to be a bad decision on my part.

"You're right," I said agreeably, walking over and sitting opposite my mother while lan wheeled himself over and made himself comfortable, my eyes watching my daughter silently.

"Hey sweetheart," my mother said cheerfully "Want some wine?" she asked.

I shook my head while lan gratefully accepted a beer from his father, from a nearby cooler, cracking the can open and sipping from it with a smile on his face. Both of us were determined to keep silent on the Dexter issue, in agreement that it would only cause my mother to worry.

"Mummy, mummy, look" Faith shrieked, rolling in the grass in her dress as I winced.

"She's just as dirty as the dog is. Thick as thieves those two are" my mother laughed, as Faith shook the dirt off her dress and began to skip around "Isn't she adorable?"

"Beautiful" Mr Grant murmured, but he was looking at my mother as he said it, quickly glancing away and sipping at his wine, a pleasant expression on his face.

The Grant men sure were charmers, I thought, relaxing despite myself. I felt lan's hand on top of mine, his fingers intertwining, his eyes intent on the ring. He played with it, idly, while I breathed in the fresh air, Knox and Loralai came out to the backyard, with a small baby in Lorelai's hands. Gabriel lan Grant. He was gorgeous.

"Let me hold my grandson," Mr Grant said eagerly as Lorelai giggled and slowly handed the quiet, wide-eyed, chubby baby over to him before she came over and gave me a small hug.

"It's good to see you again Dawn, congratulations on your engagement to lan," she said cordially and then winked "You couldn't have asked for a nicer guy you know. Well except for Knox, but he's already taken" she joked, making me laugh.

lan gave a crooked grin "You're only saying that because technically you're my sister now and it looks bad if you don't" he drawled as Lorelai smirked at him "Admit it."

She laughed and headed back over to Knox who gave us both a wave while talking to his father, his son wide-eyed as he stared back at his father talking to him.

It was a touching scene. It brought back feelings of nostalgia from when Faith had been small and little more than a baby herself. I gave a wistful sigh. It had only been a few years but it felt like it had just passed by so quickly, like no time at all. Faith came bounding over. "Baby" she squealed, raising her hands up eagerly as Lorelai and Knox laughed, Knox picking Faith up to introduce her while lan grinned and I relaxed.

"Trust me Knox is good with kids, you don't have to worry about him" lan chuckled as Knox swung Faith into a circle before putting her down, the little girl running off screaming and laughing.noveldrama

"Your whole family seems to enjoy children" I commented.

His brow wrinkled "I guess that's true. Huh. I wonder where Flair is..." he trailed off just as his sister and her husband Grayson came wandering out, their baby boy held tightly in Grayson's hands, although by the way he was squirming and wriggling, it was a miracle Grayson hadn't dropped him already. He looked as though he was a toddler, and as Grayson bent down and put him on the ground, the child went slowly toddling off, his face etched with determination as he went deliberately towards Patches and Faith. "Isn't he clever" Flair crowed, coming over and hugging me, before hugging lan and kissing him on the cheeks "Dawn your little girl is gorgeous" she breathed, sitting down and crossing her legs, while Grayson grimly went after their son who had his chest puffed out, pride on his face as he reached out towards the puppy prancing around with Faith.

"Thank you, but your son is pretty handsome too," I told Flair, giggling as the small boy frantically tried to grab Patches tail only for the dog to jump out of reach.

"Just like his father" she sighed, taking a glass of wine from a maid and sipping at it "God I needed this. Isn't it wonderful when you don't have to worry about designated drivers" she added, sighing audibly.

"Congratulations on your engagement" Flair chirped, reaching over and taking hold of my hand with her free one, her eyes squinting down at the purple loveheart as she smiled at it. "It's cute Dawn, much better than getting a boring ring that looks like everyone else's" she complimented, before showing me the one she had.

"Thank you. lan was nice enough to let me choose it and he bought one for Faith" I said, pointing towards her hand as Flair followed my line of sight.

Grayson came and sat down beside his wife with an audible groan. "Knox is keeping an eye on Hunter" he explained as Flair raised a brow at him.

"lan how sweet of you to buy Faith a little ring. Oh, it's so cute" Flair interjected as Grayson cracked open a beer and began to drink "That little girl is going to love having a father like you" she gushed.

Grayson reached over and shook lan's hand and then mine with a warm smile. "Congratulations you two," he said "I'm glad to see that lan has found somebody to make him as happy as I hope Flair is with me."

Flair swatted him playfully as Grayson chuckled and I giggled. Ian just chortled and shook his head. The mood was buoyant and joyful. Food was beginning to be placed on the tables. I kept an eye on Faith but Knox and Lorelai stayed close, along with my mother and Mr Grant who had joined them, talking in a small group, my mother's hand on Mr Grant's arm as she leaned in close to him.

"Well it looks like Father has a new companion," Flair said teasingly "Your mother Dawn?" she asked.

I smiled "Yes. Her name's Carina and I'm just as surprised as you are" I admitted "She's been alone so long, it's a bit of a shock to see her interested in anyone."

"Well if she's as nice as you we have nothing to worry about," Flair said shrugging her shoulders "And to be honest it's nice to see him smiling so much. I know he misses mother but there's no harm in what he's doing."

"So lan, you're back at the company and taking back your responsibilities" Grayson quickly interrupted.

lan grinned "Yes, I've started taking back some of my work. I do work from home as well but I go into the office when I can. I have been a little lax lately, but that's changing and it's all thanks to Dawn here" he complimented, kissing the back of my hand as Flair smiled and leaned against her own husband.

"They do say behind every good man is a brilliant woman" Grayson joked, reaching forward and stealing some chips "But you do look well lan. Are there any" he hesitated "any improvements?"

Flair shot her husband an indignant look but lan took it all in stride. I had wondered how he would handle these questions from his family. lan blinked. "I'm afraid not but isn't it better to face reality than to imagine the impossible?" he said calmly "And Dawn happens to love me even though I'm in a wheelchair."

"Exactly," Flair said shooting Grayson a look while he shrugged sheepishly "And lan, we all love you. There's nothing you can't do, without determination and hard work as well as Dawn by your side."

Knox came over and handed a wriggling Hunter to Flair who put her drink down. The boy was covered in dirt and Flair groaned, even as Grayson began to rummage through a nearby diaper bag for wipes in order to clean his hands and face down.

"He uh, slipped and fell on the dirt while chasing the puppy" Knox explained as the group laughed and Flair began to clean him down efficiently, like she'd done it a hundred times before.

Lorelai came over, holding and bouncing Gabriel, a soft smile on her lips. "He's getting tired" she explained in a hushed voice "I'm going to go put him to bed and then come back downstairs with the monitor" she whispered to Knox who leaned over and kissed her on the cheek.

"Do you want me to come?" Knox asked, but Lorelai shook her head and smiled.

"No, stay here and have fun. I shouldn't be long" she added, carrying the baby into the house with her.

Faith came running over and I glanced at her with a sigh. She was dirty. Her dress was crumpled and slightly torn. Her shoes were god knew where and her hair was coming out of her ponytail. Visit Jo b n i to read the complete chapters for free. If you are not reading this novel on Job ni b .com, some sentences are incomplete. Flair was nice enough to hand over some wipes, a sympathetic smile on her face as I began to clean my daughter up as best I could, lan smirking as he watched. Faith was impatient, squirming until I was done. "Mummy" she protested.

"Faith, try to stay clean" I began but was interrupted as food and empty plates were placed on the table, Faith's eyes lighting up.

"Help yourselves" Mr Grant declared "Plenty there. Flair the vegan options are over here" he pointed them out as Flair nodded relieved "and children of course are welcome to have what you think they might eat" he added with a glance at myself and Flair who was nodding tiredly.

I had the feeling that Hunter might be a bit of a picky eater, which if I was honest, Faith could be as well sometimes.

"Bon appetite."

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