The Billionaire’s Hidden Heiress

[Book 2] Chapter 106



The next day lan and I sat in the flat and I watched slack-jawed as a jeweler walked in with a briefcase and trolley filled with luxury items, his gold watch shining on his wrist, lan with a look of expectation on his face while my stomach began to churn. I had known we would have to get to this eventually, especially since we had made the announcement but not quite so soon. lan was insistent though, on having his ring on my finger, a way of branding me as his in a way. Some sort of manly pride thing, I guess. I wasn't sure whether to take it as a compliment or as something else entirely. All I could do was sit on the sofa, flabbergasted as the man began to open up the trolley and withdraw what looked like trays and trays of endless rings, with various carats, cuts, and styles. I would have no idea where to begin, but lan was nodding and smiling in approval. I wondered whether I would get a say or if lan would insist on picking the ring, seeing as he was the one paying for it. I wasn't quite sure how to ask him without offending him. "I have only the finest rings here" the man, Mr. Deloney announced, nodding to me stiffly "From Sophisticated Diamonds. It is a great honor to be the store you have chosen to purchase your ring from," he told us eagerly as lan c****d his head to listen to the man "and if there is anything you need help with, then please, don't hesitate to ask. I am very well versed in each ring and the stone or diamond it contains. There is nothing that I don't know" he boasted.

I nodded hesitantly. There were so many rings that I was already feeling overwhelmed and trying to fight the urge to sweep them all away. He had brought too many, I thought dismayed, that I wasn't even sure where to begin. lan sensed my distress, reaching over to take my hand and give it a gentle squeeze of reassurance.

"I never did get around to asking what kind of ring you would like" he murmured, fixating his dark charcoal eyes on me, his hand offering me some comfort as I hesitated "And I should have been more proactive in asking. But Dawn, there must be a particular stone, or diamond that is your favorite?" he asked, leaning forward and lightly brushing my cheek with a finger while I felt shivers down my spine "something that draws your eye? Forget about traditional" he instructed, ignoring Mr. Deloney who looked a little put out by this "and just concentrate on your wants and needs. This is going to be your ring" he reminded me as I slowly nodded "which means you have to be happy with it. I want you to look at it every day and smile not frown or be upset."

I laughed, not able to help myself. He sounded so caring and so genuinely enthusiastic about the whole deal. I should have brought Faith, I thought absent-mindedly and then shook my head with a grimace, images of Faith trying to put rings on her fingers instantly causing me to shudder. Perhaps it was a good idea I hadn't I corrected myself.

"Well, Dawn?" prompted Mr Deloney, looking down at the trays with a sigh "Is Mr lan correct? Is there a particular stone you would like to see? I have many" he urged.

I frowned. There was one. I had always been partial to the amethyst stone. The color purple was one of my favorites and if I was honest, it was also my birthstone as well as I had been born in February, making it somewhat sentimental as well. I opened my mouth "Amythest."

"Amythest" Mr. Deloney's voice was slightly puzzled "Are you certain. Amythest is a nice stone but it's hardly what one would call high-end or befitting of a Grant's fiancee," he said while lan narrowed his eyes and stared at the man challengingly.

I bit my lip. Maybe I needed to pick a different ring, but lan had asked what I liked and that's what I wanted. I didn't want the traditional diamond on my finger, I wanted something that meant something to me and that I would enjoy looking at day after day. Maybe it wouldn't be the most expensive of rings, I thought looking at Mr Deloney but did that matter? I thought as long as I was happy with the ring, the cost would prove to be nothing in comparison. It wasn't the price of the ring, but the ring itself that made the difference. "I believe she said Amythest" lan's voice was dangerous and dark, reminding Mr Deloney that he was the client, and in charge as I looked at him in surprise.

"Oh of course, I'm merely stating that it's an unusual choice, I meant no offense" Mr. Deloney backpedaled quickly at the fierce expression on lan's face "I have a few Amythest rings in stock" he added, moving the trays around carefully and rifling through them "I'm sure that you'll like one of them."noveldrama

We waited as he began to pick a few out and lay them on the table in front of us.

The first one was ostentatious, so large it practically covered a whole finger, with a large ridiculous diamond surrounding the oval stone. I didn't try it on, immediately shaking my head and pushing it back to an offended-looking Mr Deloney who sighed and reluctantly put it back. The second ring was not much better, neither was the third. The happy expression on Mr Deloney's expression had now turned sullen as he continued searching through his collection. Ian was patient, sitting back and watching my facial expressions as I tried the rings on, only to shake my head and pull them back off. He offered no comments, neither interfering nor trying to persuade me in any way. This was wholly my decision, I realized, as another ring was offered to me. "This ring is quite small," Mr Deloney said a little nasally "Some would call it petite in nature. I was thinking that due to the preferences you seem to be exhibiting perhaps it might be a little more suitable."

He did not sound enthusiastic and already looked prepared to take it back. I glanced at the ring as I took it in the palm of my hand. It was pretty. The amethyst was high quality, as one would expect but in the shape of a perfectly formed small love heart. Small diamonds surrounded it, causing it to shimmer underneath the light and the band itself was gorgeous, white gold rather than the traditional plain yellow gold. It was different. It was unique and not the kind one would associate with an engagement ring. I sucked in a breath, immediately taken with it. Ian's eyes rested on my face, observing me as I slowly and carefully slid the ring onto my finger, the ring fitting perfectly.

It was like Cinderella and the Slipper. A slow smile spread across my lips. The ring was perfect. It suited me. Not too large, not too small, it didn't overpower the shape of my finger and instead it rested nicely on top. I held my hand up, examining it from all angles, while lan reached out and took my hand, looking it over carefully, an inscrutable expression on his face. Mr Deloney looked miffed.

"What do you think?" I asked lan breathlessly.

I couldn't stop looking at it. lan's lips curved into a slow smile "I like it, but it's what you think that's important" he told me earnestly while Mr Deloney looked longingly at the other rings with a dramatic grimace "I want you to be happy. Does this make you happy?" he asked sternly.

"Very much," I said, with a small squeal.

lan chuckled and glanced at Mr Deloney "Then this is the one my fiancee will have."

I began to slowly peel off the ring with great reluctance but lan's hand stopped me in my tracks. "You've chosen the ring and it fits, it stays on that finger" he admonishes me "I will take care of the bill with Mr. Deloney," he said and then gave the man a side-eyed glance "I trust that you also brought the other item I requested of you."

Mr Deloney nodded nervously "Naturally Mr Ian. It was made with your specific instructions. I had it made personally to the highest quality, I assure you."

I wondered what lan was alluding to. Some sort of secret between himself and the jeweler that I had not been made privy to. Mr Deloney reached into his briefcase and withdrew a small ring box, passing it to lan. Ian opened it and showed it to me. Tears pricked my eyes. He really had thought of everything.

The ring was small. Too small for my fingers. It was adjustable as well. It was a pretty pink love heart with a gold band. Similar to mine but different as it was not intended for an adult, but a small child. I swallowed past a lump in my throat.

"For Faith," lan said softly, "I thought she should have her own ring for when you married me. It's almost like fate that you chose the ring you did today," he said chuckling "but it worked out well, don't you think?"

"Oh lan" I whispered, feeling a lump in my throat "Faith is going to love it. It's perfect."

He looked pleased while Mr Deloney began to pack up his things "I hope so. I want her to know that I'm not replacing her father, and I wanted her to have something special for herself" he said.

This man was unlike any other I had ever met. I flung myself at him, kissing him madly on the lips. I pulled away breathless, lan's eyes twinkling. "You are the most generous man I know," I told him thickly.

"If I'd known I'd get that type of reaction, I would have shown you it sooner" he teased, before glancing at the jeweler. "Mr Deloney, let's get this taken care of. Visit Job ni to read the complete chapters for free. If you are not reading this novel on Job ni b .co m, some sentences are incomplete. My fiancee is happy with her ring, so to show my appreciation, I will add a generous bonus as well to compensate for the trouble you have taken in coming here for us today!"

The man's eyes brightened in response. He looked far happier as he continued to pack away, one of his employees coming in from outside to assist. They also had a bodyguard to travel with them back to the shop.

I felt like Cinderella, in love with her prince. Everything was going so perfectly, so smoothly. It was like a dream. I should have remembered that while Cinderella had her ugly stepsisters to contend with, I too had somebody in my life that I would have preferred to stay gone, somebody who was about to try and upend my whole life with his ugliness and desire for more, never content to stay in the shadows where I had hoped he would remain forever. The fairytale was about to be over in more ways then one and I would find myself struggling to keep my new life together while the old one tried to drag me back down and lan along with it.

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