The Billionaire’s Hidden Heiress

[Book 2] Chapter 104

Dawn POV

I had never felt so confident or so sensual as I had been with lan. There had been nothing but a fierce hunger in his gaze as I had undressed before him and l**t that had sent shivers down my spine and made me more eager to please him and explore his body with my hands than there was to worry about the technical difficulties we might experience. I knew he was nervous. Why wouldn't he have been? This was no doubt the first time he'd been intimate with anyone since he'd been in the wheelchair but he'd done better than I could have ever envisioned and satiated me far better than any other man I had ever been with before. Every touch of his rekindled a flame inside my body, causing me to crave him more, and when my o****m had torn through me, it had been so strong and so powerful that I had almost seen stars. Ian had known exactly how to bring pleasure and he'd read my body like it was an open book, using the tools he had to bring about a climax that was no doubt going to remain in my mind for a long time to come. It had been incredible. Mindblowing. I wanted more. A lifetime of it.

I woke the next morning, with a pleasant ache between my legs. I yawned and stretched out, stunned to find that the spot beside the bed was crumpled but empty. lan had beaten me to the post, it seemed, as I glanced out the window to see the sun shining and the clear blue sky. A note lay on his bedside.

I didn't want to wake you sleeping beauty, so come up to the main house for coffee when you wake up. Love lan.

It was kind of him, I mused, even as I snuck to the bathroom and quickly showered, the feel of the warm water heaven on my aching muscles. The only thing was, I thought as I frowned and stepped back into the bedroom, was that the only clothes I possessed were what I had worn on the date last night. Evidently, lan had thought of that as well because there were clothes piled neatly next to the note that I had failed to notice. Basic sweatpants and shirt. Very basic, but it would do, I shrugged, feeling nonchalant, and quickly shimmied them on.

They had to be lan's judging by the length of them, but they fit surprisingly well. I flipped my hair over my shoulder and padded barefoot outside and over to the main house, feeling an insatiable desire for caffeine. Ian, sitting at the kitchen table, newspaper in hand, raised a brow when I stepped through the doorway, feeling slightly awkward.

"Morning," he said smoothly as I came to him and kissed him on the lips, his smile curving on his own lips and a look of gentleness appearing on his face "You looked so beautiful in my bed this morning, I couldn't bear to wake you" he confessed.

I blushed, glancing at the maids but lan just grinned at me, either oblivious to their presence or uncaring that they could hear what he was saying. I suspected the latter. He was used to them, but it would take me awhile to get used to maids being around. "Good morning," I said shyly, smiling gratefully at the maid as I sat beside lan and she placed a mug of fresh coffee in front of me "You could have woken me, I wouldn't have minded" I added exhaling.

He frowned "You needed the sleep. You've been looking tired lately and" he paused a mischievous look coming over his face, "I think I may have had something to do with that last night."

I swatted at him playfully, as he chuckled and sipped at his own coffee mug. He raised a brow "You know what else" he began in a hushed whisper.

"What?" I asked leaning forward and pinning my gaze on him, licking my lips and watching as he swallowed hard, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down as he raked his gaze over me, suddenly speechless.noveldrama

The front door to the mansion opened. lan's eyes twinkled and he motioned with his head. I was perplexed as to who was coming back to the mansion so late and automatically assumed it might be Knox coming back from the hospital to fetch Lorelai something, although she should be getting discharged any day now. It wasn't. My mouth gaped open as none other than a sheepish-looking Mr Grant came wandering through the doorway, only to halt in his tracks with a panicked expression on his face. He looked like a deer caught in the headlights. He hadn't come home the night before after all, not if his appearance was anything to go by. His clothes were creased and rumpled, his tie was barely tied around his neck.

His hair was disheveled and mussed and his shirt was tucked in askew. I fought back a choking laugh as he glanced between me and lan with desperation in his eyes. He looked as though he was a naughty schoolboy trying to sneak in past his curfew. I should have known that my mother couldn't be trusted when she accepted a lift with Mr Grant, I thought with amusement, not with the way she had been acting. But I was surprised by Mr Grant's behavior if I was honest with myself. "Um, well, good morning son, Dawn" Mr Grant said heartily, trying to mask the surprise on his face and failing abysmally. No doubt he had been hoping that we would have been in the flat instead of the main house. He looked like he was about to bolt upstairs.

"Good morning Father," lan said smirking, while my lower lip twitched "I take it that you had a good night then? I thought I didn't hear the limousine pull up last night and thought I must have been mistaken, but it appears that I was right, seeing as you've just come through the front door."

Oh, lan was enjoying himself immensely at his poor father's expense. Poor Mr Grant blushed profusely red and shifted awkwardly from one foot to the other, looking helplessly at us both.

"Um I um, well the thing is, that um" he blabbered, gesturing with his hands.

The poor man looked about ready to have a heart attack. I shot lan a scornful look and shook my head. It wasn't nice to keep teasing the poor man. I cleared my throat. "Mr Grant, whatever happens between you and my mother is none of mine or lan's business" | shot my fiancee a warning look "You are both consenting adults. But if you hurt her" I lowered my voice, watching as the color drained out of his face with a sick sense of satisfaction "I will not hesitate to call you out. My mother deserves better than just a one-night stand" I emphasized as I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Oh god, I had no intention" he began in dismay and I grinned, while lan chuckled.

"Father, perhaps it's best you go and get cleaned up" lan offered as Mr Grant wrung his hands together "Perhaps come back down and have some coffee when you're a little more put together" he suggested smugly.

Mr Grant looked down at himself and blanched. "Right, of course. I'll just be a few minutes" he muttered and turned and scurried up the stairs, like a mouse with a tail between its legs.

I burst into laughter. Ian wiped tears from his eyes. "I never thought I would see the day my father acted like a horny teenager" he crowed, "just wait until I text Knox and Flair about this" he teased me.

I shook my head at him "Don't be so mean. I think it's sweet. My mother has never shown any interest in another man besides my father. This could be a good thing" I chided, leaning forward and fixating my eyes on him "Let's not ruin it." "My father has not looked at another woman since mother died, so I am surprised to see that he's um, well..."

lan trailed off unable to speak the words. I rolled my eyes. "Slept with my mother?" I supplied dryly.

"That," he said faintly.

"Well maybe this will turn into a relationship or maybe it will fizzle into them just being friends but at the very least, it's something new for them and that's better than them being alone," I said softly.

lan nodded, still looking bemused. I saw him kick out his leg as a fly hovered close and my lips parted in shock. lan hadn't even registered what he had just managed to do. I cleared my throat, eager to see if he could manage to do it again.

"lan" I pointed as he glanced down confused "your leg just moved again. Try it, kick it again" I persuaded him.

He screwed his face up, concentrating hard and I saw his foot kick forward. He gasped, as I clapped my hands together in excitement.

"Wow. That's more than before" he muttered looking pleased and trying again with a frown.

"Don't overdo it. Let's go see the specialist today" I advised, glancing at his legs as he managed to move the other one slightly as well "They might have advice on what exercises you can do to improve without hurting your recovery."

He nodded. "But Dawn," he said reaching over and taking my hand, causing me to still and look at him with shining eyes and slightly parted lips "Do me one favor" he urged as we heard the sound of footsteps coming back down the stairs, the sound of Mr Grant no doubt approaching the kitchen and dining room "don't tell my father yet. I don't want him to know" his expression was solemn as he gazed at me.

Don't want him to know? How could he keep something like this secret from his family? Shouldn't he be letting them in on such an important aspect of his life? He saw the questioning look on my face.

"If I can walk again, I want to work on it and surprise them" he amended quickly "Maybe even stand up at our wedding" he proposed in a hush.

Put like that, I could understand part of his reasoning. "Fine. That would be something wonderful for your family on our big day" I proposed imagining it now, smiling widely at the thought of lan being able to stand unassisted, possibly even able to walk or dance "But lan, I'll keep this secret only if you promise not to tease your father about seeing my mother" I told him smugly.

It was the very least that he could do.

"Deal," he said quickly as Mr Grant began to walk into the room a tentative expression on his face.

No doubt the poor man thought he was about to be interrogated. He looked relieved when nothing more on the subject was said and as I glanced around the room, I was grateful to see that there were no maids present to have overheard our conversation either. lan's secret was safe for now. I only hoped that the specialist would confirm lan and my expectations, instead of dashing them.

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