The Billionaire’s Hidden Heiress

[Book 2] Chapter 102



So far dinner was going well. A little too well if you took into account that the senior Mr Grant was a bit too smitten with my mother for my liking. My mother tended to have that effect on the opposite s*x, but this was the first time I had seen her look at anyone back the same way. I wasn't sure how to feel about that, but I was grateful that dinner was going along smoothly, with the food appearing quickly while Faith and my mother were in the bathroom. We waited politely for them to come back and Faith's bright eyes lit up as she took in the nuggets and chips she'd ordered. I guess when you're a Grant, nothing is too hard, I surmised, with amusement, as Faith began to dig into her food with great enthusiasm.

My mother delicately began to saw into her steak while Mr Grant did the same. They had ordered the same thing. "How is your steak?" he asked indulgently.

"Delicious," my mother said, looking satisfied "but I would expect nothing less from a restaurant such as this one" she admitted guiltily "They're hardly going to serve subpar food are they?"

I giggled as lan shook his head and shot me a rueful look "Is it me or are they well...."

"Like two schoolkids with a crush," I whispered, "just go with it."

I took his hand, slowly sipped my wine, and ate, enjoying the pleasant surroundings and tranquil atmosphere.

"So lan," my mother said, putting her fork down for a moment "You're the Ceo of the family company if I have that right?"

I knew she wouldn't remain quiet for long. It was not in her nature. lan to his credit also put his fork down "I am" he said agreeably "I took time off after the accident, but I intend on spending more time back in my role."

"I assume that's long hours" my mother continued, shooting me a meaningful look "How do you intend to balance your work and life to ensure that my daughter and granddaughter aren't neglected?"

She was as tenacious as a bulldog my mother. She looked straight at lan and lan didn't falter. "I intend to work from home when I can and other times I'll ensure to leave the office so that I can have dinner with Dawn and Faith. I won't work weekends, I'll hire somebody to fill in for me on those days temporarily" he promised.

He was compromising a lot for me, I thought guiltily and he hadn't asked anything of me. Not one thing, other than I didn't work. I could feel myself beginning to feel a little desolate as I listened.

"What precisely is Dawn's role then?" my mother continued "Surely you don't intend for her to remain home, simply waiting on you? I understand that's how things work in your" she paused "circle, but Dawn lives and breathes with helping people. To the point, she goes above and beyond. If you take that way from her, you might as well be cutting off her air to breathe. Did she tell you that?" she asked, leaning forward and fixing her eyes on lan who to his credit didn't blink at her attack. "Mother," I said sharply but she ignored my reprimands.

"She treats each client, or patient like they are family. Did she ever tell you about the one who committed suicide when he couldn't handle his disability anymore? How it caused her to go into a deep depression? That she blamed herself and no amount of persuasion would tell her otherwise? She took it personally, and it broke her heart that day when she lost Sam." Tears pricked my eyes. Mother was not meant to bring up such a low period in my life. She glanced at me and I saw a look of apology on her face, but it didn't stop her, while lan looked devastated hearing this for the first time.

"She was pregnant with Faith at the time. He would call, and she would drop everything to go to him, just to talk him out of doing something, or to comfort him, calm him down, you name it. She gave that man everything she had and it made no difference. That's the kind of person my daughter is" she said passionately "and I don't think that cutting her off from work will make her happy. I think it will have the opposite effect to what you intend. I don't want her to be unhappy. I don't want her to go to the extreme either. There has to be some balance. But please, see Dawn for what she is. She isn't some trophy wife to simply look pretty on your arm" she said shaking her head "And if that's what you expect, then I can not give you my blessing in good conscience." Silence. Even Mr Grant looked thoughtful now. My mother glanced at me "You might not like what I just said, but it needed to be said" she told me determinedly "I will not have you put somebody else first again and yourself last at the expense of your own happiness. For once, you need to think of yourself, Dawn."

I knew she was right but I was uncomfortable with how she had brought it up. I could feel my body trembling. Faith thankfully was too absorbed in her nuggets and chips to have been paying attention to the conversation but lan's facial expression was difficult to read. My appetite was gone, I shoved my plate away and tried to think of a way to bring the conversation back, but there was nothing. Mother had well and truly shamed everybody into silence.

“Dawn never told me that story" lan's voice was quiet as he looked over at me, remorse on his face "and it doesn't surprise me in the slightest how much she would have done to try and save somebody in that position. She's the kind of selfless person that doesn't come around very often. It's a trait to be admired" he continued, while I felt a warmth beginning to spread through my cold body "and I don't want to diminish her spirit in any way. I was against her working, but perhaps we can come to a compromise to make everybody happy" he said glancing at his father who was nodding slowly.noveldrama

"It's not traditional in our circle but I think that should change" agreed Mr Grant while my mother smiled at him "There is no shame in a woman working and if it helps to fulfill you, why should we prevent it? Dawn is an excellent nurse" he added while my mother preened and flipped her hair over her shoulder "and I can see where she gets her kindness from. We would all be so lucky to have a mother looking out for our best interests as you are for her."

My mother glowed at the compliment. lan took my hand and squeezed it again. "I'm sorry for what you went through."

"I just don't want it to happen again," I said, "which is why I'm always pushing you and why I come across sometimes as..."

"Brutal? Hardcore? Refreshingly Honest?" he teased.

I giggled "That."

My mother laughed "She does have my sense of honesty."

Faith finished her food and sat back in the chair, rubbing her stomach. "I'm full," she said happily causing the adults around the table to laugh at her.

"That's okay honey, we can wait awhile till dessert" I promised.

She frowned "But my stomach wants dessert now" she pouted.

"You just said you were full" I pointed out amused.

"Not my dessert stomach" she protested, causing us all to laugh again.

"Ah children" chuckled Mr Grant "it brings back memories of you in your youth" he added glancing at lan with sparkling eyes and a smile curved on his lips "You used to say the same thing when it came to getting sweets after dinner." "Dawn too," my mother said chuckling "It must be a universal thing when it comes to children."

She shucked Faith under the chin, causing her to giggle.

Dessert went a lot smoother, with everyone chatting amiably. I nudged lan as I saw Mr Grant writing down his phone number on a card and handing it to my mother, while he thought everyone was occupied with Faith. I saw my mother blush bright red as she took it and carefully placed it in her purse, tucking it in with her business cards. It looked as though there was another relationship about to spark, I thought, gleefully, while stroking Faith's hair and watching her yawn as she fought the urge to fall asleep.

"We should get Faith home," I said reluctantly, about to stand up when my mother waved a dismissive hand.

"You and lan should spend more time together," she said blithely "considering you are both engaged to each other now. I can spend the night with her and tomorrow."

She looked me right in the eyes and I blushed, knowing what she was alluding to. She wasn't subtle my mother. I wasn't sure where to look as I avoided lan's eyes.

"I would be delighted to accompany you and Faith back to your apartment before I go home" Mr Grant offered sounding reasonable as my mother nodded and stood up, holding her hand out for Faith.

"Perfect. See, we have this all sorted out" she told me breezily as Faith took her hand and began to walk out, with Mr Grant grabbing his jacket and placing it around my mother's shoulders as she looked up at him gratefully "I don't think it will be particularly hard to get Faith dressed into pajamas and into bed, considering she's half asleep already" she added wryly.

"But" I began to protest half heartedly, knowing it was futile.

"Thanks very much Carina. We appreciate it" lan's voice was smooth as he smiled winningly at my mother.

My mother winked at him and then grabbed Mr Grant's hand, leading him out of the room with Faith, Mr Grant giving a delighted smile over his shoulder before he left.

"Your father just left with my mother" I said after a pause, while lan's shoulders shook slightly with laughter "should I be worried?"

"My father's too much of a gentleman to do anything untoward" lan assured me with a wicked grin on his face.

I narrowed my eyes "It's not your father I'm worried about" I told him as his eyes widened "my mother is not exactly the demure typ as you've just seen."

"Well then they are two consenting adults and it's no business of ours" he murmured, kissing the back of my palm as shivers ran down my spine "we have the night to ourselves, with no interruptions. Why don't we go and take advantage of that?" he suggested with

a raised brow and suddenly all thoughts of my mother and lan's father washed away as I looked at how handsome my fiancee was and I began to feel a different desire all together.

I was suddenly grateful my mother could not be here to see the way I looked at lan, imagining all sorts of things we could do with just the two of us alone. My protests about my mother spending the night with my daughter, stuck in my throat.

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