Sinful Scars: Chapter 25
I try not to panic at the thought of Lev being so close to Lucia and Mikhail.
What the hell are they doing here? I’ve never known them to stop by my apartment so early. Usually, if Lucia drops in, it’s because she’s been shopping nearby and wants to drop off various gifts that she’s picked up for me. But she’s always either alone or with Vivi.
So, I’m even more nervous to know why Mikhail has decided to tag along.
Does he know that Lev is here?
Surely, if that were the case, I would have woken up to the sounds of him breaking down my door, so it must be something else.
Whatever the reason, I can’t ignore their incessant banging any longer.
As I head across the lounge area, I smooth my hands over my hair, hoping that I just look disheveled from sleep and not because I spent the night riding Mikhail’s half-brother.
With one last deep breath, I plaster a smile on my face and throw open the door.
“Hey. This is a nice surprise.”
“I didn’t realize you were such a deep sleeper.” Lucia’s wrapped up in an oversized puffer coat with a cute bobble hat and matching scarf. As always she looks effortlessly beautiful with a bare face and her dark hair loose around her shoulders. She holds up a paper bag. “We brought coffee and bagels!”
“Wow, uh, that’s so…thoughtful.”
I force a smile as my eyes flick to Mikhail, who looks just as stone-faced as ever. He’s swapped out his usual suit jacket for a black bomber that he’s rolled up to the elbows to expose his tattooed arms.
“Hey, Mikhail.” I’ve not spoken to him since the night I stormed out of his house, and the awkwardness of the current situation is making my palms start to sweat.
Though that might also be due to the fact that I’m secretly harboring his half-brother in my bedroom.
Mikhail dips his chin at me in response, and I figure that’s as close as I’m going to get to a truce with Mikhail Koslov.
When his eyes glance past me into my apartment, I cringe as his eyes linger on the closed door to my bedroom.
“So, are you going to make us eat our breakfast out in the hall or…” Lucia chuckles.
“Oh, uh, right…” I step aside. “Come on in.”
My heart hammers in my chest as I follow them through to the lounge.
My apartment is fairly small, which means if Lev dares to make a sound, there’s no way that Lucia and Mikhail won’t notice.
I also have to hope that neither one of them will need to use the bathroom while they’re here as the only one I have is off of my bedroom.
This is going to be the breakfast from hell.
I busy myself with getting plates and glasses for some juice as Lucia and Mikhail settle on the couch.
My hands won’t stop shaking as I carry the supplies over to the coffee table, and I can only pray that they don’t notice.
“No Vivi again?”
Lucia opens up the paper bag and starts plating up the bagels. “She had a sleepover with the twins. Zara just adores her and so do the twins.”
“I’m starting to think Zara’s actually stolen her,” I joke as I take a seat in the armchair across from them, though my tone is anything but light.
I need to get it together before I’m the one who gives Lev away.
Clearing my throat, I reach for a bagel and a coffee, hoping that by keeping my hands busy it’ll make my discomfort less obvious.
Mikhail continues to stay quiet as Lucia chats animatedly about Vivi, though his eyes don’t stop darting around the room, taking in every little detail.
I try my best to feign interest, but I can’t help but glance at my bedroom door.
If Mikhail were to suddenly decide to take a look around, it would all be over.
“So, what are you really doing here?” I bounce my knee up and down.
I figure the sooner they get to the point, the sooner they can leave.
The look that Lucia gives Mikhail confirms that there’s more to this visit than simply enjoying an early morning breakfast together.
“Mikhail was concerned that you’re not taking this whole situation with Lev seriously enough.”
“Is that right…”
“Elle,” Lucia warns.
“I decided to do some digging.” Mikhail drapes his arm over the back of the couch. He’s so large that he makes my loveseat look like an armchair.
“Oh?” I pick at my bagel, not feeling the slightest bit hungry. Though this time, it’s not due to nausea.
Fuck, how the hell am I going to tell them about the pregnancy?
Now I’m really starting to sweat—
“Earth to Elle?” Lucia snaps her fingers.
“You were miles away.”
“Sorry, coffee hasn’t kicked in yet. Sorry, Mikhail. You were saying?”
“I was saying that none of this situation was making sense to me.” He leans forward to rest his muscular forearms on his knees. “Until I married Lucia, the Contis had no obvious link to my family, so I couldn’t understand why Lev was so obsessed with you in particular.”
“I feel like I should be offended.”
The muscle in Mikhail’s jaw ticks, and I decide not to try and crack any more jokes to hide my discomfort.
“There had to be something that I’d missed, so I got my private investigator involved.”
Lucia nods. “Rosa is a shark. Absolutely terrifying woman but the best in the business.”
“So, I take it you found something?” A heavy weight settles on my chest.
The reason behind Lev’s obsession with me is something I’ve always wondered about too, but from the look on Mikhail’s face, I’m not sure I want to know the answer.
“Rosa decided to look into the fire that killed your brother and parents.”
“Why? What has that got to do with Lev?”
“It turns out, it has everything to do with Lev, as well as Igor Ivanov.”
My heart starts to sink.
“What are you saying?”
“I’m saying that Lev is the reason your family is dead, Elle. And I think he’s resurfaced to try and finish what he started.”
“That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard.”
“It’s true.”
“No.” I clutch at my throat as I struggle to take a breath. “N-no that’s…that’s impossible.”
My body has gone into shock.
I can barely hear what Mikhail is saying over the ringing in my ears.
This can’t be true.
I won’t allow it to be true.
Because how could I be falling in love with the man who is responsible for murdering my parents and brother?
“T-there has to be some mistake—”
I gasp as the memory of the boy in the grounds flashes in my mind.
Those eyes…
Lev’s eyes.
All this time, he was there.
He was there and he did nothing as my house went up in flames, as my parents and little brother suffocated to death and their remains turned to ash.
And yet, the burns on his neck and hands suggest otherwise.
“Oh, my god.” I know why I survived that night.
He came back for me.
But why?
Mikhail shakes his head. “I’m afraid it’s true, Elle.”
“We’re so sorry.” Lucia’s voice thickens with tears. “We hate that we’re bringing all of this up again, but we hope it could give you closure.”
I don’t bother to fight the tears. Instead, I let them fall.
Mikhail leans forward. “Has Lev been in contact with you? I hate to ask, but I need to know, Elle. This man is dangerous and clearly, he’s got some unfinished business with you.”
“N-no he h-hasn’t.”
I don’t know why I’m lying. After all he’s done, he doesn’t deserve my protection.
All it would take is a nod in the direction of my bedroom for Mikhail to realize the truth, and it would all be over.
But then I would also have to tell him that the very man who murdered my parents is also the father of my child.
That realization has me burying my head in my hands.
How can this be happening?
Lucia gets to her feet, and she comes to perch on the arm of the chair. “Elle, it’s going to be okay.”
She places a hand on my shoulder and gives it a reassuring squeeze, but it does little to make me feel better. “Mikhail will take care of him.”
Is that what I want?
I’m so confused that I can barely think straight.
“I can’t deal with this right now.” I shake off Lucia’s hand, getting to my feet.
My cheeks are damp with tears, and my body feels heavy with exhaustion. “I think you should go so I can process this.”
Mikhail braces his hands on his thighs. “I appreciate it’s a lot to take in. But we can’t ignore this threat any longer, Elle. I really think you should come back to the townhouse with us.”
“That’s not necessary, Mikhail.”
“Please, can you both just leave?” I wince at my tone.
This isn’t me. This isn’t who I am.
I don’t fight with Lucia, or snap at my friends. But ever since Lev came into my life, I feel like I don’t recognize myself anymore.
“I’m sorry.” I sigh. “This has just…been a lot.”
“You don’t need to apologize.” Lucia gets to her feet. “But I really think you shouldn’t be alone. Maybe I can stay, and we can just hang out, just the two of us?”
My eyes flick to my bedroom door, and I shake my head.
“I think I just want to be alone.” I don’t miss the flash of hurt in Lucia’s eyes, but she nods.
“Will you promise to call the moment you’re ready to talk?”
“I promise.”
The moment I close the door behind Lucia and Mikhail, the fear sets in. The man who murdered my parents is in my bedroom.
And I could be next.
My hands shake as I turn the door handle and with one last deep breath, I push it open.
I half expected Lev to have left, but no.
He’s sitting on the edge of my bed with an expression that confirms he overheard the entire conversation.
“Get the fuck out of my apartment.”
Lev’s expression turns into one of pure agony as he realizes I’m no longer buying into his bullshit.
“Elle, listen to me—”
“Get out now!”
Lev gets to his feet.
“I said leave!”
Lev’s eyes widen as he glances over at the open window.
Anton and Danil could still be down there, and if they heard me yelling, it wouldn’t take long for them to realize who is currently in my bedroom.
I dart across the room, but Lev is faster.
He slams the window closed and turns his back against it so I can’t access it.
“You need to listen to me.” His face has drained of color, making the scarring on his neck stark in contrast to the pale pallor of his skin.noveldrama
“Fuck you.”
“Elle, you’re still in danger.”
“That part is perfectly clear to me.”
Lev’s jaw clenches as he looks at me and for the first time, I actually feel afraid of him.
How could I have been so blind when the truth has been here all along?
Was I just so desperate for someone to finally see me that I was willing to ignore the warning signs?
I guess I’m about to find out.
“Igor will come after you, I know better than anyone what he’s capable of.”
“I bet you planned the entire kidnapping hoax and blamed it on your father to get me to trust you. Because it wasn’t enough just to kill me then and there. You really wanted to make me suffer.”
“Elle, I would never hurt you.”
“Too late.” I turn to storm from the room.
But I don’t even make it to the door before a hand is over my mouth, and Lev has his arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me flush against his hard body.
“I’m so sorry to do this to you, Elle, but you need to listen to me.”
I struggle against him.
“I don’t care if you hate me, but you need to know the truth, Elle.”
Having his hands on me has me fighting the urge to vomit.
I try to scream, but the sound comes out muffled.
I can only hope that Anton and Danil are still outside my window to hear me yelling.
I was stupid to send Mikhail and Lucia away. What did I expect? To walk back into my room and pretend like I didn’t learn that Lev murdered my parents and brother?
I guess I’m even more of a fool than I thought.
Lev adjusts his hold on me so that he can pull his phone out of his pocket. But his hand remains clamped over my mouth to stop me from crying for help.
“Pyotr? I need you to bring me a car. Meet me in the side alley beside apartment 428, on the corner of east 83rd in five minutes.”
Who the fuck is Pyotr? And where the hell is he taking me?
All I can do is squirm. Even with only one arm holding me in place, I’m still too weak to fight him off.
I wish I took Lucia up on her offer all those years ago to learn self-defense. She would never get caught in a situation like this. She would have had Lev on the ground in seconds.
It’s the fire all over again.
I’m completely helpless, only this time, Lev isn’t going to be carrying me away from the flames. Instead, he’s going to make me walk straight through them.
Lev hangs up the phone. “I’m not going to hurt you. Please, I need you to trust me.”
His body pressed against mine no longer feels comforting or familiar. The man who I was falling for, the man who has fathered my child, is nothing but a stranger to me now.
And the worst part is, he even tried to warn me, but I refused to listen. I was too caught up in my own fantasy to realize what was right in front of me.
A monster, hiding in plain sight.
Lev tightens his hand over my mouth to muffle my sobs as he half-carries me out of my apartment and down the stairs.
I pray for someone to appear, to have heard my shouts and decided to come to investigate, but as we get closer to the first floor, I realize that no one is coming to save me.
“I’m sorry to do this, Elle,” Lev keeps repeating over and over.
Once upon a time, I would have believed him.
But not anymore.
When we reach the first floor, Lev drags me away from the door toward the fire exit at the back of the building that leads to the alley where the garbage cans are kept.
His breathing in my ear has my skin prickling, and my heart is pounding so hard in my chest I feel like I’m going to pass out.
Lev wastes no time pushing open the emergency exit and forcing me outside where a car is already waiting.
A large man dressed in all black with neat blond hair and blue eyes is leaning against the blacked out SUV.
I can only assume this is Pyotr.
Immediately, my eyes go to the gun he has tucked into his belt, and I start trying to fight Lev’s hold on me to no avail.
This can’t be how it ends.
Where the hell is Mikhail or Anton?
The one time they decided to do as I ask and leave me alone is the one time I actually need them.
Pyotr’s eyes widen when he takes in the sight of me struggling against Lev’s hold, but he says nothing. Instead, he simply opens the back door of the car and steps aside.
I can’t let him take me.
By the time Lucia or Mikhail realize I’m missing, it will likely be too late.
For all I know, Lev is taking me straight to his father.
“I need to get her in the car now.” Lev pushes me forward.
I have one shot at this, and I have to make it count.
The moment his hands are off me in order to help me into the car, I spin in place and make to run. But instead, I ricochet off Lev’s hard chest and stumble backwards, smacking my head on the frame of the door.
“Shit,” Lev hisses under his breath as my vision blurs.
His voice is the last thing I hear before everything goes black.
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