Shattered Girl (Emmy)

Chapter 154

Classes for the twins started in mid-August, and Patrick, Drew, and Mike spent more time in the city helping Conner by covering some of Micheal and Liam's duties while they were recovering. We had all decided it would be a good idea for me to get more comfortable driving so I wouldn't be stuck at home all day. I have had my license since I was sixteen, but I never had much of a chance to drive since I didn't have access to a car.

The driving practice had gone well, and the guys had somehow managed to sneak out and buy me a new car. I immediately fell in love with the cute little sports car and drove everyone crazy, asking if they needed me to go out and run any errands. On the way home from one of these errands, a deer ran in front of me. I hit the brakes with both feet, and I could hear the shriek of the tires right before my world began to spin.

My eyes flew open, and I sat up abruptly. The room swam, and my stomach rolled. The smell of antiseptic was overpowering, and the beeping noises nearby gave me a clue that I was in the hospital...again. A monitor was attached to my finger, and I was in a room with curtains covering the walls.

Damn, my head hurt. I was holding my head in both hands, hoping it would help my nausea, when I heard a commotion in the hallway. Voices thick with worry were getting louder. The curtain got jerked back, and I sank back into the bed. Relief filled me as I saw Josh and Jake standing in the doorway.

Jake slowed only long enough to sweep his gaze at me from head to toe. "Sweetheart," he murmured, then scooped me into a hug. The monitor started beeping faster as Jake gently held me. The second my arms were around him, I began to notice every bruise on my body, but I didn't care. I didn't let go of Jake even when my head began to throb.

A hand brushing against mine had me opening my eyes. Josh was right there, and he pressed his lips to my forehead. "You scared all of us, baby girl," he murmured.

I must have looked like crap, though, because when Drew walked in, he frowned, and I think he traced his eyes over every inch of my face. Jake kept me close to him as Drew came forward. "Don't hold her so tight," Drew ordered. "I'm not hurting her," Jake grumbled as he moved me back until I was sitting on the bed.

I'm pretty sure I hit my head when my car started to roll because panic shot through me, and I sat up straighter in bed. "The deer..."

"In a minute, love," Patrick said firmly as he and Mike appeared with a physician.

"Let the doctor look you over," Mike said, moving further into the room.

The doctor cleared his throat. "Miss Mathews?"

I nodded. "I know. I was unconscious, and I most likely have a concussion,"

"Since Miss Mathews just woke up, I need three of you to leave,"

"Not leaving," the twins said at the same time.

Patrick rolled his eyes and said, "I saw a cafe across the street. Do you want something?"

Even with my stomach rolling I was suddenly starving. "Please, and maybe a sandwich or something?"noveldrama

"We'll bring you some coffee and something small to eat if the doctor approves. Once we get you home, Darren will fix you something," Drew said as he ushered everyone except the twins out of the room.

Jake was still holding my hand when Josh turned to face the doctor. I felt bad for the doctor as they stared at him for the entire exam. A nurse came in. Then there was more paperwork. A police officer stuck his head in to check on me, and I knew he was waiting to fill out an accident report.

Suddenly, tears stung my eyes, and I looked at Josh. "I killed the new car."

"I don't care about the car. I care about you," he said, narrowing his eyes. "We can replace the car."

But it was brand new, and before I could say anything else, the doctor was shining a light in my eyes and wanted to talk to me about the X-rays they'd done. Had they had enough time to do a CT scan? How long had I been unconscious? "Well, you definitely have a concussion," the doctor said as he looked at his computer.

Nothing was broken, but I'd bruised the hell out of myself. The airbag had done its job, though, and I was alive. I had tuned out of the conversation until I heard something about me staying overnight. "No."

Josh gave me his look, then opened his mouth to argue with me, but I pointed my finger at him and then looked at the doctor. "I would much rather go home."

"You lost consciousness. We will need a few more tests, and I'm uncomfortable sending you home this soon."

"I live with five other guys, one of which is a trained army medic. I have had concussions before, and they all know what to do."

"Fine. When your army medic returns, I will talk to him and make sure he is comfortable taking care of you."

I nodded in agreement and instantly regretted it as nasua rolled through my stomach again.

It took almost two hours, but we were finally home. I wasn't allowed to take any pain medicine, but they gave me something for the nausea, and I was able to drink some of my coffee. I was settling in bed when Jake climbed onto the bed with me. I curled up against him. My face hurt, but his shirt was soft and smelled good. I was out within seconds.

The next time I woke up, food was there, and the guys were all sitting around my room playing a game on their phones. We ate burgers, bless Darren, because nothing has ever tasted that good. Then Drew checked my vitals, responsiveness, and headache. When he was satisfied, I curled back up with Jake and was asleep before the guys even had a chance to clean up the leftovers.

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