Shadows In Durango

Chapter 135

*******Vincent's POV******

I picked up the phone, eyeing the name "Dad" flashing up across the screen as I bite back the urge to scoff.

He often didn't deserve the title at the best of times...

Glancing back at Sofia, I saw her tense up slightly, her fingers tightening around her mug as she dreaded to know more about why her own brothers were currently seated in my house...

With a sigh, I swiped to answer him and swiftly pressed the phone up to my ear before it was too late-

"Why haven't you called me sooner?" I kept my tone controlled, not wanting to let my frustration leak through just yet.

"Well Vincent, I assume that Reid would have told you already that I've been handling some... unexpected business," my father's voice came back to me, as calm as ever.

"Well, has it been handled yet?! Are they gone?" I snap, before hearing him press out a heavy sigh which causes for me to rant on further; "We were seconds away from walking right in on them, do you understand how fucking bad that is for Sofia? How do they even know that she is staying there, did you fucking tell them?!"

"Did I tell them?! Vincent do you think that I'm a damn fool all of a sudden? I warned you about this, didn't I? I told you they were persistent... it didn't take much for them to ask around to find out where you were living with the girl!" He sneers back, as I ignore the way Sofia's eyes fill up as she watches the exchange with dread.

"Well are you at least going to tell me what they said and where they are right now?!" I snap out, impatient and irritated that I still hadn't learned any new information from this phone call so far...

My father let out a low hum, the kind he gave when he was already working angles in his own head. "Your little outburst is noted, Vincent," my father said, his voice cool and condescending, as though I were a child throwing a pathetic tantrum. "They left town an hour ago. For now, they're back at their hotel, but don't think for a second they'll stay put there for long. They'll want answers, and they'll want her. I managed to buy you an extra two days before you make a final decision on their whole wedding proposal..."

My knuckles tightened around the phone. In that moment, I wanted to hurl it across the room, but Sofia's watchful eyes kept me somewhat sane...noveldrama

"We think we have a decision... or should I say, somewhat of a new plan? I'll come by to talk to you about it tomorrow morning before we make any moves, and I expect you to be there - ALONE!" I insist, trusting in my idea and knowing that in order for it to work, I would need him to play his part just like the rest of us.

Sofia chews her lip, pulling a face that practically leaks of uncertainty, as I hope to talk her round on the idea before going forward with it.

It was the best shot we had right now, one that would at least delete the whole forced marriage dilemma and eternal family dealings from the equation.

Our main goal was to cut Sofia's family out of her life as swiftly as possible: and for good!

"Ugh, alright then! I'll see you back here at nine sharp, I have a busy schedule tomorrow so don't be late." He grumbles, showing his age in his tone.

Old man... 

My eyes narrow at the thought of him making our discussion so early, knowing that I would have to wake Sofia and drive back there in the early hours, but I choose to give in to him knowing that it would be easier for us all... Satisfied, the call ended, before I tossed the phone down onto the coffee table with more force than necessary, the dull clatter breaking apart the silence in the room.

Sofia flinched, her wide eyes locking onto me as I felt guilty for the reaction but didn't speak on it.

Her lip was still caught between her teeth, a habit I'd noticed she fell into whenever she was trying to keep herself calm - one that made me often wonder how she even had any damn lips left!

"You okay?" I asked softly, my tone contrasting to the irritation still burning in my chest from everything that had happened today.

She nodded slowly but didn't meet my gaze. "What's the final plan then, Vincent?" she murmured, her voice barely coming above a whisper.

I dragged a hand back through my hair and let out a frustrated sigh before I moved to be directly in front of her, crouching down to make myself on her level before taking her trembling hands in my own...

"We're going to make them believe us, believe that you're miserable, because deep down - that's what they want most from you isn't it?" I said carefully, my eyes never leaving hers. "They want to use you as a pawn in all of this, like you're something to be controlled and traded for the rest of your life! But we can easily convince them that your life with me is already miserable... once they're satisfied, I'll pay them off and they'll leave you alone forever!" My words hold a promise that I wasn't yet sure if I could even keep.

But I was determined to make something work out in our favour...

"My Mom would be so fucking disappointed that they turned out like this..." Her breathless words hit me like a gut punch, as I could practically see her heart crack from within her chest. Fuck... 

"I know sweetheart, take a deep breath and let me help you, I'll make this better - I promise!" I ensure, squeezing her hands in mine as she sniffles to retain her tears.

"S-So you think convincing them that I'm abused and miserable will work? How would we do it though? Make it believable, I mean?" Sofia babbles, as I shake my head and hush her gently. "Tomorrow, we will go see my Dad and he'll help us with the plan, but until then - you need some rest - you're safe here tonight." I state, before pulling her hands as we both stand up together.

First, we'd need my father's full cooperation, which wasn't exactly ever guaranteed, but I'd make him help me one way or another. Sure, he'd agreed to meet us tomorrow already, but the man always had an agenda of his own... Would he really help us, or would he twist the situation to his advantage and put his business dealings with Sofia's father first? This would be a true test of where his loyalties lie... with his own son or with his damn fucking money? Second, we'd need to sell the whole illusion seamlessly convince Sofia's family that she was already living a life full of misery and control. I had no problem painting myself as the villain if it meant getting them off her back, but how far would we have to go with it? What would Sofia have to endure to make it believable?

Leading Sofia upstairs, I am broken from my thoughts by her soft tone as she turns and looks up at me. "Do you really think this plan could work?"

"It has to," I say instantly. "Because the alternative isn't an option. I won't let them take you or force you in to anything else, Sofia."

Her lips parted, as if she wanted to say something, but she seemed to think better of it. Instead, she gave me a small nod and stepped back.

"I trust you..." She finally whispers, as my brows perk up slightly.

She does? After everything I had done? After everything I had kept hidden from her?

She still trusts me...

So I can't fuck this up!

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