Meeting Him Again!

Christina's plane touched down at the airport hours later. After clearance and getting her luggage, she made her way past security towards the arrival section. The sisters at the convent had told her that she'd be picked up at the airport upon arrival.

She looked around the airport, waiting and hoping patiently that she doesn't run into that man and that she leaves before they both spot or come in contact with each other again. She had caught him having sex against her will. Who knows what he might do to her if he finds out that she was still here. She had already rejected his advances once and he might think that she was onto him.

God! She just wanted to get out of here fast and call it a day.

"Hey kiddo!" Someone called out to her and she darted her eyes towards the direction of the voice that waved at her. A wide grin broke out on her face as she rushed into his arms, hugging him tightly. It was Bryce.

"Big brother!" She squealed in delight. She wasn't expecting him to pick her up at the airport all because she had thought the he would be busy at work but she was glad that he did. Seeing a familiar face was so much better.

"Good lord, what have you been eating? What have the sisters been feeding you back there?" He asked amidst laughs as he picked her up and dropped her carefully on her feet almost immediately. "You look good Christina. How was your journey? Hope that it wasn't any trouble?"

He picked up her luggage and stuffed it into the boot of his car before proceeding to open up the front seat for her. She thanked him and got in. He carefully shut the door before joining her in front to take the wheels.

"Trouble? I'll hardly call it that. My journey was smooth and seamless, thanks to you and Hera." She answered, purposely leaving out the part where she saw a man who called her a cheap whore, asked for her number and whom she caught in the bathroom having sex but other than that, it was good.

"I'm flattered." Bryce started the engines and pulled out of the airport as they both made their way home. He felt elated that he has someone like a sister to take care of and look after. Something that he never had the chance to do due to his father's mistake. "Hera has been so excited to have you at home with us all week. Don't say i told you but she's preparing a big feast to welcome you home." He told her but she only chuckled.

"I'm the most excited because I've got to eat a lot of variety of my wife's meal. Your sister makes the best meals." He added with a smile.

The way he speaks about her sister. Christina can only imagine how much he loves her. This is a husband material right here.

"I can't wait to meet Hera and Amelia. It's been ages since i last saw them both. Over a year i suppose." She sighed in regret. "Thankfully, the cellphone at the convent came a lot in handy otherwise, i would've missed out on a lot of things."

"It's never too late to build more memories. I'm sure that your niece is equally excited to meet you." He answered and took a U-turn. "By the way, we got you something. Check the glove compartment down there." He pointed at it and Christina reached out to open it. "Hera insisted that we waited till you got home but what's the difference. I hope you'll like it." He added with a smile when she brought out a sealed package and tore it open to reveal a brand new cellphone.noveldrama

"You got me my very own cellphone?" Her jaw dropped to the ground in awe.

"Well, you'll be starting college soon and we want you to be able to reach out and communicate with us whenever you like without any complications." He answered, eyes still focused on the road as he took short glances at her as he spoke. "Thank you so much big brother." She squealed in the delight. "You're the very best."

Bryce smiled at her and just then, his cellphone rang. He glanced at the screen to see the name of the caller displayed there then, he excused himself and went on to pick it up as he placed it to his ear with one hand while the other one controlled the wheels. "Hey Max." He called out and Christina's head whipped towards his direction. She had heard that name before. That was the name of the guy from the airport hours ago. Was it him or someone else?

"I'm so glad you called. How was your trip?" Bryce asked and Christina relaxed a bit. There are a million people with that name so the possibility of it being him was like a ratio of one to a million, literally. It's definitely someone else so she doesn't have to worry. "I just got back from the airport. I went to pick up my sister in-law. The one i told you about that will be joining us." Bryce informed him and Christina heard him sigh in acknowledgement as she played with the seal of her package.

"How was work? And the new hotel? Any new progress?"

"Yeah and I can't wait to discuss it with you." He answered from the other end.

"How about tonight? Are you free?" Bryce suggested. "Join us for dinner so that we can catch up. My wife will be cooking."

There was a brief silence for a while and then. "Alright then. I'll see you at dinner. I need to take care of something urgent. You know, with the women and all."

Bryce glanced at Christina, hoping that she didn't hear that. "See you then." He answered to that statement before disconnecting the phone call. Bryce would have to talk some sense into that guy. How is it possible that he hasn't changed at all after all these years? They arrived home minutes after and Hera rushed outside to meet them.

"Christina!" She mused in delight and proceeded to hug her before pulling away. "I'm so happy that you made it home safely."

"Me too. I missed you so much sister."

"I took the liberty of organizing your new room. Please help my sister with her luggage." Hera signalled to the maid who did so almost immediately. She mouthed a thank you to her after she did.

Bryce opened up his arms an Hera walked into them. He planted a kiss on her lips. "I missed you. Hope you didn't have trouble with Amelia while I was away?"

"Barely. She's sleeping soundly." She said to him with a smile.

"And i invited Max to dinner, hope that wouldn't be a problem my love?"

"Of course not. Max is family." She slapped his arms playfully. "He's welcome to join us anytime. I honestly don't mind." She answered and led Christina into the house after Bryce excused himself to attend to an important phone call.

Christina stared at the huge building

in front of her She still couldn't

believe that her sister lived here. She had been here once and that was during the wedding but It all felt so surreal. Hera led her to her bedroom and as soon as she got in, her face was beaming with smiles,

"Do you like it?"

"It's lovely." She answered warmly. The room was designed richly to her liking. The warm pastel colors giving the room so much life. This was far more than she had anticipated.

"I chose the design but Bryce did all the work." Hera informed her. "I'm making dinner so just settle in, freshen up and join us downstairs."

"Do you need any help?"

"No. I have all the help that i need. Just take your time to settle in first then you can join us later okay?" She said to her and Christina nodded her head in response. Hera left afterwards after shutting the door.

Christina lets out a deep breath and

collapsed on the huge bed. She

really has a lot to start to start getting used to. She remained in that position for a while in silence before deciding to get ready for dinner. She showered and changed into her clothes before heading down to join them.

She arrived to see them both organizing the table. They stopped when they both felt her presence in the room.

"Is there anything for me to do?" She asked even though she knew that there was nothing. They've pretty much handled everything themselves.

"We're almost done dear. Come and have a seat." Bryce ushered, pointing to an empty seat on the table.

"But-" She was about to say but was silenced at the sound of a heavy knock on the front door.

"He's here." Bryce alerted Hera.

"Please get the door for us Christina while we finish setting up." He requested and with a nod, she did she was told. She walked towards the door and pulled it open only to come face to face with that same man from the airport earlier today. The same man that had hit on her. The one whom she had caught at the bathroom. She stared at him wide-eyed and so did he.

"You?" She asked with furrowed brows, noting the shocked expression on his face as well. "You're Bryce's friend?" She asked. The words coming out of her mouth

before she could even stop them. How on earth is this even possible? Why him of all people?

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