Rejecting The Alpha Twins (Regan)

My Twins Baby 115

Xavier POV

We got to Regan just in time. I am seething as I follow Alpha Kai's wolf out the window, my paws landing on the ground, my jaws snapping at him. He touched her. The bastard laid hands on her. Not only that but he attempted to rape her. The son of a bitch wasn't getting out of here alive. I was going to tear him limb from limb, into tiny little pieces while he begged for mercy. As though reading my mind he gave me a snarky grin and leaped towards me. I met him in mid-air, both of us clawing and scratching wildly at each other before we fell, continuing to bite and claw. I bucked him off of me and leaped back to my feet, glaring at him. I had gotten the upper hand and managed to gouge a long gash across his midsection. The bastard wasn't looking so damn arrogant now. He might be experienced but his age meant that he wasn't as quick or as agile as me. He was about to pay for his cockiness and I couldn't wait to see him fall.

Not only that but I had rage simmering beneath me. I stole a look and saw that Regan was safe beside Xander. Xander would have liked to join me in the fight, but one of us had to ensure our mate was safe, while Nikolas rounded up Isabelle and Heather. I growled, lunging towards Alpha Kai and he sidestepped, dodging me. I turned and hit out, lashing him with my paw and sending him sprawling into the nearest tree, his body hitting it with a heavy thud. I snarled, watching as he got back. up. I hadn't hit him remotely hard enough. He lunged towards me, and I jumped, landing on his back and biting down on his neck before jumping back off. We circled one another, both of us looking for an opening. I wanted him to feel as much pain as possible. My wolf was going insane, his bloodlust surging to the surface. He too, wanted his revenge against Alpha Kai for everything he had done and had threatened to do to our mate.

Regan was watching anxiously from the sidelines. I wished I could reassure her but I didn't have time. My eyes were watching Alpha Kai this entire time. He had a grudge against me and Xander as well as our father simply because of the way he'd been treated at our pack. He seemed to believe he was superior to everybody else. He was about to learn that he was wrong, in so many ways. He'd always been somewhat of an asshole, but this was beyond anything I could have imagined him capable of. We had underestimated him. I wasn't going to make that same mistake again.

He ran and I dodged, lashing out with my tail. I whipped him hard and then turned, hitting him in the face with my paw and blinding one eye as he let out a howl of pain. I followed through, stomping on his paw as he hissed and backed up. There was a look of fear in his one good eye. I could see him debating whether to make a run for it and I moved, knowing that Xander was prepared to shift if it came down to it, to prevent this bastard from escaping. He knew that too. I saw his face turn to look at Regan. Son of a bitch. He thought he was going to use her as leverage again! Not this time. Xander pushed her behind him, but I moved faster, getting between the both of them and tackling Alpha Kai back to the ground. This time I managed to pin him to the ground. I was beyond angry. I was furious. All I could see was read. How dare he think that he could use Regan as a way to control us? I bit him hard and heard the loud howl he let out. Good, he was in pain. I wanted him to feel it. I wanted him to feel more pain. I wanted him to hurt. I wanted him to know that he was bested by the Alpha twins, the same ones he had claimed to despise and had a plan to ruin. His pack was going to be far better off without him.

I bit down more. He tried to buck me off but he was too weak. I growled, forcing him to submit. I bit down and then severed his spinal cord. I didn't want to waste any more time. I would have made his death more torturous but after he'd gone for Regan again, all bets had been off. I threw Alpha Kai's neck and head to the ground and then got off him, stalking towards a pale-looking Regan and Xander, shifting into my human form again.

"Regan" my voice is soft as she peers over Xander's shoulder "it's okay, he's dead. He's never going to harm you again" I promised thickly.

Nobody would ever harm her again. She and our unborn child were safe at last. I wanted to hug her but I was terrified to approach her after seeing what went on in that room. What if she was afraid of me? Or of men in general now?

She blinked at me, then looked at Alpha Kai's wolf dead on the ground. Her eyes narrowed and then she was moving past Xander and to me, jumping into my arms as I caught her, her legs wrapping around my waist as I kissed her lovingly on the lips while Xander smiled to himself.

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"I was so worried" she breathed while I gently began to place her back on the ground and Xander reached for her, Regan eagerly kissing him before putting a hand on both of our chests. I thought that he might..." she trailed off.

"He was not going to get the better of me," I told her fiercely and then frowned.

"Where the hell is Nikolas with those two women?" I said as Xander scowled. "Maybe we should..." I trailed off at the sound of Nikolas's loud howl.

"That's him," I said and turned to Regan. "Get on my back" I instructed.

She widened her eyes but nodded. I shifted, and she awkwardly climbed onto my back while Xander shifted into wolf form. We began to head in the direction of Nikolas's howl. I could smell his scent and I sniffed, running faster and faster towards him, Regan's knees squeezing hard as she tried to keep herself balanced and holding on.

I tried not to groan out loud. Gods, having my mate riding me like this was almost torture. Any other time I would have welcomed it but right now it was a distraction I couldn't afford to have. We approached and saw Nikolas along with a figure on the ground. I frowned. It was only one figure. I slowed down and then lay down, allowing Regan to get off of me before I shifted, Nikolas and Xander also turning human. We all looked down at the unconscious figure on the floor. I scowled. Nikolas turned to us apologetically. "I could only take down one. The other" he motioned helplessly, "abandoned this one in order to get away."

"How unsurprising" I muttered in disgust while Regan sighed and shook her head. "This one wouldn't have gotten too far anyway, considering her condition. She couldn't have shifted" I added as Nikolas nodded in agreement "whereas her mother still could." "At least you have one. Perhaps her mother will come back for her?" Nikolas suggested, looking down at the small girl on the floor with a wrinkled brow.

"Don't count on it" Regan said wryly, rolling her eyes.

I knelt by Isabelle and checked for a pulse. It was steady. Nikolas eyed me as Xander anxiously watched on. "I swear, I didn't do much to hurt her. I only did enough to knock her unconscious. It doesn't sit well with me, fighting a pregnant woman" he added raising his chin. "The baby should be fine then" Xander sounded slightly relieved.

Regan's expression went tense. She moved closer to me and Xander noticed, looking slightly hurt. "I want to go Regan told me quietly.

"We need to take Isabelle back with us," I said looking down at her with a sigh.


It was easy to see that Regan wanted nothing to do with Isabelle and was angry with Xander even though he didn't deserve it. I shot my twin brother a look of regret as he continued to eye Regan puzzled.

"Let Xander carry her" Regan suggested, her voice hard.

I flinched at the venom in her voice. Regan was hurt and angry. Nander looked confused by her dismissive attitude towards him. Alpha Nikolas glanced between the three of us. "I can carry the woman if you would like he suggested quickly.

"Good idea," I said quickly, as Regan's expression turned mutinous "Nikolas bring her with you. I hope you don't mind a detour to our pack. It's been a long time since you've visited" I added as he grinned at me.

"Not in the slightest. I wouldn't mind seeing your father again he added, bending down and picking Isabelle up with his arms with ease and motioning to me. "Shall we?"noveldrama

11:12/ Sun, Feb y BBB

Regan turned and walked away without a word, leaving the rest of us to scramble behind her.

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