Rejected, And Became A Heiress (Cara)

Chapter 0010

Alaric's POV

You know the phrase that you can lead a horse to water, but you can't force him to drink?

Well, you can lead a werewolf to a beautiful woman, but you can force him to love her.

Over the last few weeks. I've tried to let my feelings for Lilin gros. But I've had no luck. I just can't seem to care about her.

Grey is even worse off than I am. He can't stand her.

Like last night, when Lilia surprised me in my bed after work.

She opened her shirt, revealing her lacy bra

Her voice was a purr, "Alaric. I think tonight's the night we make a baby..."

Her hand stroked the top of her cleavage, beckoning me to come closer.

I stepped one foot towards the bed, but my nose caught the scent of her perfume and I had to retreat. The strong smell nearly tnade me vomit right there on the spot. I hear Grey's cough in my head, too. "Sorry, but there's something I forgot to work on, and it's urgentnoveldrama

I said over my shoulder as I raced out of the room.

She was fast asleep by the time I returned.

THEN there was that disaster in the mansion's garden.

Lilia was waiting for me as I passed through the garden for a quick stroll, trying to clear my head.

She was wearing a short skirt, showing off her long legs. She had a flower crown on the top of her head. A crown of lilies.

She leaned in for a kiss, and I had to dodge her swiftly.

"Sorry, I'm severely allergic to lilies. You need to go get that stuff off of you."

My voice was probably harsher than it needed to be because I could hear her crying as I scrambled away

And so again, today, I'm working late to avoid going home.

"This is the life you've always dreamed of, right?" My wolf's mocking tone is unmistakable.

"It's just until I find a new Beta. There have been so many little complications since losing Cara..."

I can feel Grey ready to interject with a remark about Cara so I quickly continue, "I can handle it, but it just takes more time. This is about the pack, remember. It's not about us." Chapter 10

"Wouldn't the pack want it's Alpha King to be happy?" He retorts

"And I WILL bel Lilia will be my wife, and she'll be a great Luna she'll just have to get used to it as an Alpha King's wife. I'm hoping he'll see reason and case up on me.

take care of the pack. And working a lot goes with the job,

Grey snorts, voice dripping with sarcasm, "Yes, because she takes such great care of you." He sighs, adding more seriously, "Alaric, she didn't even know about your allergies. Do you really think she loves you as much as she claims?" I bite my tongue, staring off into the distance. Grey may have a point there...

My thoughts are interrupted by George escorting in the new Be candidates.

Each is from a noble bloodline. Each has an impressive resume, interview them one by one, asking tough questions and throwing out scenarios for them to consider how they'd act.

No one answers my questions perfectly. Some of them are so nervous, I can see them shaking. Others are transfixed by my status as King, their thirst for power a bitter taste on my tongue.

A precious few perform well enough, but I can't help but compare them to Cara. Even the best of them is nowhere near as smart nor as capable as Cara.

I sigh after the last candidate leaves. I look back to the list of names, hoping that one

name will stand out and inspire me.

In the lower corner of the page, I see the initials of the person who prepared the document. It's standard procedure we use around the office, so I'm not surprised to see initials there, but it's the letters that shock me.


Cara Wilson.

Not G.B. for George Benson.

I grab the paper and march to George's office, a stormcloud over my head. Not only did he shirk the responsibility of a direct order I told him to handle, but Cara agreed to do it! I still can't believe that she's so eager to leave the pack. So eager to leave me.

I swing open the door to George's office and barge through. But George isn't inside.

It's Cara.

And she's fainting.

My superhuman reflexes kick in automatically, and I catch her just before she hits the floor. She's unconscious

limp in my arms.

I race out of the building, driving her myself straight to the hospital.


Grey yells to me as I weave through traffic, trying to there as fast as I can.

At least Grey and I can finally agree about something.

her body

We're both nervous wrecks as Cara gets admitted. I instruct all the hospital staff to treat her with the highest level of care. I'll Handle all expenses.

I sit next to her bed, watching her unconscious and frail body lay there. I feel a tug in my chest. It feels like the ground finally softening after a long cold winter. Chapter 10

I just want her to open those, beautiful green eyes. To wake up and say something smart and funny like she always does.

I just want her to be okay.

My phone vibrates in my pocket. It's Lilia.

Before she even utters a word. I can tell she's been crying. She's been doing so much crying lately its almost like I've developed a sixth sense for it.

"You missed the wedding dress appointment!" She sobs, "You promised you would be there!"

I pinch the bridge of my nose in the hopes of staving off a brewing headache. "I'm sorry, but I'll make it up to you. Let me take you over to the jewelers another time. You can get anything you want." "Really?" Lilia squeals with delight. "Anything I want?! Oh, Alaric, that sounds wonderful!"

Lilia doesn't bother with any more chatter before saying goodbye.

Well, that's one problem solved.

Now for another problem... I look back to Cara's sleeping face and let out the breath I didn't know I'd been holding.

She's not even my mate anymore, and yet I still forgot about my fiancée's appointment to take care of her. What is it about her that attracts me so much?"

It's like she calls to me.

I reach for her, but I stop just short of touching her, not trusting myself to keep my emotions in check. I place my hand right next to hers on the bed, my heart racing. "Honey" Cara's whisper is thin and fragile. She's still asleep, but I know what I heard. She spoke.

She's going to be ok. My heart rate immediately calms, slowing to a normal rhythm.

"I'm here," I whisper to her, softly.

But wait. She's never called me "Honey" before.

She's never called me any kind of pet n

of pet name.

She must have been talking about someone else. She must have finally moved on? She must have found a new lover?!

But who could it be?!

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