My Two Alphas

Chapter 88


Alpha Jamie paced while he waited for Beryl to come back with Emily, and Ryden cried out, and I glanced over at him as Jamie wandered over to the crate where he was lying. He rubs his tummy before pushing his dummy in his mouth that had fallen out to quiet him. I track his movements.

"So what's next? You get my nephew to mark your daughter, and you think and think everything will just go to plan, that you will somehow be allowed to live when my brother comes for you?"

Alpha Jamie turns on his heel to look over at me, and Melana groans on the ground, pushing off the filthy floor with her hands. She shakes her head, looking around when Jamie rushes over and kicks her in the head, she puts her hands out, blocking it, and the force of his kick shoves her to her feet.

I growl at him when he punches her, knocking her down to her knees again with speed she didn't see coming the second time.

"I suggest you don't test me, girl," He warns her, and I growl at him, and his eyes dart to me before they go to Lucy dead in the chair. Her hands cup her mouth in shock before she looks over at me, and her bottom lip quivers. I shake my head. I already know how dead my mate is; she doesn't need to point it out. Ryden cries again, and Jamie walks over to him.

"Damn, babies never stop crying,"

"I'll take him," Melana offers, rushing over, and Jamie glares at her but doesn't stop her. Rayan growls at her beside me, and I shake my head at him. Melana may be many things, but a baby killer isn't one of them.

She cradles him in her arms while sitting on a crate. Melana knows to keep her mouth shut, she has always been able to read a room, and she knew the only way out of this, for now, is playing along, and that's what I intended to do when I felt a flutter in my chest.

Hope bubbles within me, and I turn my attention back to Jamie, who watches Melana for a second before cursing under his breath. He wanders around the room, looking in the cauldron and at the jars on the shelves in the room. "You never answered me," I tell him.

"Your brother will do as asked; I will have his son's life in my hands," He answers simply.

"And what is it you plan on asking him for?"

"He will stand down as king, forfeit the title over to me," I snort. Was he delusional? You are born a king, not handed it.

"You think that is funny?"

"I think you're an idiot," I tell him, and he walks forward, lifting his hand and backhanding me.

I laugh at his pathetic blow; Rayan hits harder. But was glad he was closer, close enough and no longer paying attention to Lucy. I felt the bond returning, I had no idea what was going on with her, but I had no doubt the reason the pain stopped had something to do with the strange fluttering of a bond reawakening. Her fingers twitched behind Jamie, and I knew I was right. Rayan looks over at me, his voice flitting through my head. "You see that?" He asks, but I keep my eyes on Jamies, who observed me.

"You don't seem as upset at the loss of your bonded, not that I blame you my bonded was weak too, Melana would have been a better choice for you. Instead, you chose that monstrosity," he sneers. "Alicia was weak, wanting me to stop, wanting to live a normal life," He says, doing air quotes with his fingers. He chuckles, shaking his head.

"Yeah, she was always too good for you, has a nice set of tits too," I tell him, and he growls, stepping forward with his hand raised.

"Tell me, are they fake?" I ask. He snarls, baring his teeth. And I know I have hit a nerve.

"Don't speak of my mate like that?"

"I thought she pathetic too since we are comparing mates and all thought she was fair game,"

"Your mate is pathetic mine was weak," He spits when I see Lucy raise her head behind him. My eyes dart to Melana when Lucy looks around.

"Your seeing this right; I am not imagining it," Rayan mind links. Jamie looks between Rayan and me, and I hear Tyson's voice flit through the mindlink, and I smile, knowing he is either close or already here. "What are you smiling about?"

"Nothing, I am just wondering if Alicia is a screamer?" Jamie scoffs.

"You wouldn't even know what to do with her boy,"noveldrama

"I think I know a thing or two; I bet I could make her scream" It was petty, but I needed him distracted away from Lucy, and one thing I knew that would tick me off was someone talking shit about my mate.

Lucy stretched her neck behind him, and I was trying to keep my eyes off her blood-red ones. I sniffed the air subtly, trying to get a feel for her, but one thing was sure she wasn't a wolf anymore. I couldn't even sense Lucille at all, and neither could Atticus. Whatever she was, I didn't care; she was mine, and I was just glad she was back. Melana tiptoes in the background with Ryden, and Lucy's head snaps in her direction, making her jump.

Alpha Jamie goes to turn when I speak, distracting him away from what is going on behind him.

"Bet Alicia is a screamer; I will let you know when I drive my cock in her when I get out of this chair, if your lucky, I may let you watch as I fuck your mate, so you can hear her scream my name instead of yours," I tell him. He snarls before his fist connects with my face. I spit out blood and laugh.

Lucy POV

I had no idea what was happening. I felt my heart stop and felt nothing but oblivion when pain ravished through me. Lucille's voice whispers to me in the darkness.

"Hang in there, Lucy," I tried to make sense of her words when I felt it. My link to her was just gone, my wolf was dead, and my heart stopped. My breath wheezes out with a bloody gasp. I knew I was dead, yet I felt like I was floating, my nerve endings felt twitchy, and I could feel my blood congealing in my veins, yet I was still here in the darkness, would I be trapped here? What happened to my mates? What happened to my brothers? Time stopped, and so did I. Or so I thought. My sense of smell came back first. I could smell dust, smell blood, and it made my teeth ache before I could smell Ace. His scent made my mouth water, and my fingers twitched. Yet my heart did not beat, but the more I sat there frozen in time, the more I became aware of my surroundings, the dripping sound coming off the side of me, the bubbling cauldron. The footsteps walking around, the vague crying of Ryden before I hear Ace's voice taunting Jamie. I had gripped the chair in which I sat to fight back the urge to growl at the monster who tortured my brothers.

Lifting my head slowly, my neck felt stiff, and I made eye contact with Ace, whose eyes darted away quickly, and he smiled up at Jamie tauntingly. Rayan was still strapped to the chair, but Melana was no longer at my feet. I glance around for her to find her behind me off to the side with Ryden in her arms. Her mouth was wide open, and I mouth to her to be quiet. My hunger burned, bloodlust consuming my senses, and I felt my fangs slip out and pierce my bottom lip, making me shudder when my own blood repulses me. Tastes as dead as I felt inside.

I glance at Melana again and nod toward Rayan, and she nods in acknowledgment, tiptoeing around the room while I yank on my wrist, restraints, the movement so much quicker, and the ropes binding me snap with ease making me blink down at my new strength.

"Bet Alicia is a screamer; I will let you know when I drive my cock in her when I get out of this chair, if your lucky I may let you watch as I fuck your mate, so you can hear her scream my name," Ace taunts Alpha Jamie. Alpha Jamie snarls before his fist connected with his face. Ace spits out blood and laughs, and Ryden screams loudly behind me.

"Fucking pathetic just like your, bitch, shut that fucking mutt up, fucking mutations," Alpha Jamie spits over his shoulder, and he was about to turn around when Ace spoke again, pulling his attention away before he did. I rise to my feet before bending over and breaking my restraints on my legs like they are string; the wolfsbane coating them has no effect on me whatsoever and might as well be water. Ace laughs.

"The mutations are something alright," Ace laughs and Jamie chuckles.

"But one thing I have noticed about them?" Ace pauses, and Alpha Jamie cocks his head to the side. "What's that?" he asks.

"They are impossible to kill," Ace growls before kicking his leg out. The bucket of wolfsbane his legs were in flying through the air, drenching Jamie, who screams just as I pounce on him, sinking my teeth into his neck. My legs wrap around his waist and my arms wrap around his chest. His blood flows into my mouth, and I hear Ace scream for Melana to get Rayan out. Jamie's claws sink into my leg and he throws himself back and drops on his back. My arms let go, my teeth tearing from his neck when he throws his head back, and it connects with my nose.

Ace breaks his restraints before attacking him, grabbing him and tossing him off me, and I scramble to my feet when I hear a bang outside, and chaos ensues above us.

Rushing over to Rayan, I break his restraints. My movements were quicker, and I struggled to control how quickly I moved, and my strength was something I had nothing to compare to. Rayan staggers as he stands, and I grip his arms when I see Melana trying to wake Josie, who was on the ground still. Ace and Jamie are trading blow for blow when Josie jerks upright, and I call Melana to help with Rayan.

"Here, I will take Ryden," Josie calls. I didn't have time to stop Melana from handing him over when Josie darts out the door with him, and Melana rushes over to grab Rayan when Jamie shifts. His wolf attacks Ace viciously, and I move to help him, tackling his wolf, and we slam into the shelves, the jars on top rattling and falling to the ground around us when an explosion goes off outside.

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