Mated To The Twin Alpha Heirs


The Wolf It event was going really fast. Some wolves were eager to release themselves, and it was not encouraging at all. For me especially. But I was would also be lying if I said I was not impressed. Some had very beautiful wolves, some looked strong and intimidating.

And I also noticed everyone had brought extra clothes. After the showcasing of their wolves, there are lecturers waiting to cover up their nakedness instantly. Two female lecturers for the girls. Two male lecturers for the guys. It was professionally done and without preamble or hesitation.

It was the Salvatore boys' turn. And as expected of Alpha wolves, they wasted no time releasing their wolves. They all had beautiful wolves. Aaron's and Trenton's were black, Zach had a dark grey wolf and Luke's was silver grey. They had four male lecturers step in immediately to cover them up. They didn't need to bring extra clothes, they were the Alpha's sons.

They were wrapped and taken out of the field. The event continued. I quivered still, biting my nails. I was filled with fear, my stomach was clenching painfully tight. Where was Baron? I needed him here. It might not stop the unfortunate reality of my situation, but his presence would make everything less painful and more comforting.

"Katherina May Salvatore."

My blood froze at the mention of my name. What? Wait! Was it my turn yet? I could not control the nerves wrecking my system, even as my fear crept to my face, I could not stop it. Everyone would see how scared I was. I pretended I did not hear my name being called.

I tried to surreptitiously shrink myself back into the crowd. I could not hide myself enough. At this point, I would gladly accept the ground opening and swallowing me, anything that would send me into complete oblivion. Someone tapped me. "Is that not your name being called?"

Without looking at the person's face, I ignored and moved away from them, still feigning ignorance. Not today. I would not be embarrassed today. I was even ready to run out of there.

"Katherina May Salvatore." The Beta called loudly for the second time.

"She's here." Someone notified.

I had never felt hatred for someone as I felt for the owner of that stupid voice. Trust Katelyn to always want to see me in an awkward situation, something to hold over or against me. To bully or mock me with. She behaved like an old, embittered witch with a broken broom and fading powers.

"Miss Salvatore, we do not have all day." The Beta's disproving voice rang clear in the quiet field.

Slowly and sheepishly, I made my way out through the crowd and into the open space where the transformation was allowed to take place. I'd noticed an extra female lecturer had been added to the two. They had heard Salvatore and decided to give me the royal treatment. I could correctly guess that if this was done, they would also take me inside to go change.

I sighed. If only it would happen as flawlessly as I had thought it. I stepped forward. It was expected of me to begin transformation but I couldn't. How could I release what I did not have? Or rather what was beyond me? I could not do it. I toyed with my bracelet, hoping for Baron's presence.

I believed if he were here, he would have taken me out of this place. He was the kind of brother who would do anything to make sure his sister was not bullied or put in an awkward situation where she would be booed. But he was not here. "Do you need any help getting it done?" The Beta asked, stepping forward.

I shook my head, my hand still playing with the emerald bracelet. Tears stung my eyes as a certain memory flashed. My breath hitched, I quickly removed my hand from the bracelet. No, I could not let it out. I would not let it out. Not after what happened years ago. This bracelet was here for a reason and I was going to make it sure it continued being so.

"Then do it, Miss Salvatore." He urged, impatience ringing clear in his voice.

Everywhere was graveyard silent. All eyes were on me, making me more aware of my grave situation.

I wiped the first tears that had escaped away. "I can't." I whispered.

"What is that, Miss Salvatore?" The Beta's gaze was on me, intently observing.

"I-I-I c-can't." I replied.

"Why can't you? You just need to take a deep breath and do it. It'll be over before you know it." He stepped close but not too close. He gently soothed. I appreciated it but he was not Baron and I could not still give him what he wanted. "Crybaby." Someone jeered and I knew who without looking.

"Behave yourself, Katelyn Brown." He shunned.

"But cousin she..."

"It is Beta Mark on this field, Miss Brown. And mind your speech, else I'd have to give a bad report to the Alpha concerning you." He warned.

I heard her harrumph, and proceeded to keep silent. Thank you, Beta Mark but I can't release my wolf. I said inwardly.

"So are you ready now, Miss Salvatore?" His gaze swept back to me, changing from the hard one he'd passed to Katelyn to a soft, encouraging one.

I squared my shoulders and prayed for strength to carry through. It was better to tell him than make him keep waiting expectantly. "I.. uhmm...I am wolf-less."

I didn't know if silence could be more deafening as it already was, but it was. There was no noise, not a single one. I could not even look at anyone in the eye, tears fell uncontrollably.

"You're what?!" Two familiar voices chorused.noveldrama

That raised my head faster than I'd ever thought I could. Aaron and Baron. My eyes first met Aaron's with his brothers flanking his side, wearing the same stunned look. They were fashionably dressed in new clothes. Then to Baron. He was as stunned too. And slowly, both of them began walking forward toward me.

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