Mated To The Twin Alpha Heirs


LUCAS These lying, scheming rogues, I was going to make sure they did not survive this incident. In their next life, they would never try to do this to anyone ever again. I was going to pummel these guys to death, even when Katherina was begging on their behalf, I did not listen. Until I felt my elbow connect with someone from behind, I turned to see. "Oh hell!"

It was Katherina, I had mistakenly hit her and she had landed on the floor before any of us could actually get to her. Feeling regretful instantly, I left these scumbags and carried her before even Baron could get to her. I carried her to her room and laid her there.

Zach went into her bathroom to get water and came out to splash on her. She did not wake, Aaron carried her into the bathroom and put her in the tub, he turned on the switch and water rained on her. In no time, she was wriggling, and spluttering water, her eyes slowly opened.

I went to her immediately, Aaron cut off the run of water. "I'm so sorry, Katherina."

She stared wide eyed at me, then looked round the bathroom. She tried to seat up, to come out of the tub. "Here, let me help you"

I helped her out of the bathroom. "You're going to need dry clothes."

She nodded, her eyes flickered to Aaron. I left both of them in the bathroom to get dry clothes for her.

"Is she awake now?" Baron asked me as soon as I stepped into her room.noveldrama

"Yes, she just needs some dry clothes." I muttered.

"Where are you going?" I saw Zach block Baron's path.

"To the bathroom, Zach. Leave my way."

"Why? She's going to be here soon, there's no need to be there. She does not need her feathers to be ruffled." Zach said.

"Which is why I'm going there so her feathers do not get ruffled."

"Are you truly doing this to protect her or for yourself?" Zach was angry as was I. I appreciated the fact that Baron had been there for Katherina when we had not but I was suspecting he was doing this to spite Aaron who liked Katherina. We had always known that Aaron liked Katherina but he was not yet sure of his feelings and how she would feel about it. Though it had come as a shock to me and my brothers when he'd called Katherina his mate, we never knew about that and after Katherina asked us out of her room, we had asked him questions. He had been vague in his response, saying his wolf finally realized her as his mate.

"For myself?!" Baron's tone was sharp.

"Yes, Baron. Maybe you saw that Aaron likes Katherina and decided to be petty. Become the good guy and protect Katherina painting the rest of us especially Aaron as the bad guys."

"Did I also control your attitude towards her when she was accused of stealing?"

"Stop holding that over our heads, Baron!" I admonished. I was tired of him always saying that.

"Mind your tongue wi..."

"Or what, Baron? Or what?!" I retorted, cutting off his warning.

Without waiting for his response nor paying mind to his growl, I took some clothes and proceeded to her bathroom. My brows raised in surprise seeing Aaron placing a kiss on her forehead while she stood still as a statue. Their eyes met mine, Aaron merely shrugged but I saw the small smile on his face. On the other hand, Katherina looked like a deer caught in headlights. She averted her gaze and bowed her head a little.

"See the clothes. Dress up, we'll be waiting for you in your room."

She looked skeptically at me, I sighed, totally comprehending her look. "I can assure you girlf...sorry, Katherina, it's not what you think. I'll explain once you're done in here."

She stared a while at me, then nodded. She took the clothes from me, her gaze met with Aaron who offered her a smile, she removed her eyes. It was going to take a while before she could accept us again but at least, I was relieved we were making progress, though it was little but it was better than nothing.

We waited in her room, everywhere was silent. Zach and I occupied her bed as usual, Trenton joined us. This night was an eventful one. Thankfully, our dad and mom were unaware. Even the guards and maids had not noticed anything. "We all know that school has been canceled for tomorrow, let's get that out of the way first." I informed them, waiting for anyone to counter it, but no one did.

I guess we were all tired and wanted to get a lot of things out of the way. Who would have thought that this night would have been like this? Trenton had been the one to inform us of a little chaos outside. Sometimes, he found it hard to sleep which was as a result of his past. He had sped out of the house before we could even fathom what he had said, but hearing Baron and Katherina was enough to make us storm out after him.

No matter what had happened between Aaron and Baron, he was still our brother, we were just angry with how he had made himself believe that Aaron could have done what he was accusing him of. I thought of how we'd treated Katherina and I suddenly could not blame Baron that much, but then again, he was not a saint because he was against what we'd done to Katherina while he was having the same issues with Aaron.

I sighed, five boys and it was not easy. Being the last of the Salvatore boys, I was no doubt, always going to be a part of whatever that was going on amongst us.

She came out then and had the attention of the five of us. I picked the nice dress for her, I smiled. "You look nice, girlfriend."

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