Living With The Player

Chapter 66 The Fire Incident [II]






I scoffed, a peel of laughter slipping out through my spread lips.

“Explain because I’ve never been more confused in my entire life.”

Hoisting one hand, I urged him to settle, giving myself a moment or two to calm down as well.

“My parents weren’t always like this. I was an only child and at some point, I was loved heartily. Then they began taking trips every month, leaving me with a nanny or most times forgetting to get one and I was fed up. Two years ago I went to that party because I wanted to show them I’m rebellious.”

I chortle at my words.

“We all know how that turned out. As though my list of bad choices wasn’t enough, I added one more. That night they were out to God knows were, I got angry and stormed away while something was cooking and well you know the rest.”

He puffed. I left out the Kyle part for good reasons. I’m not prepared to tell him Kyle had me distracted. Too much drama for one day.

“You must think I’m a failure, well you would not be so far off. I am. I demolished our house. I wreck things.”

“You’re not a failure Camilla. Horrible things happen.”

He rose from the bed, reaching for me.


I fastened, repelling away almost immediately.

“Bad things don’t just happen, they happen because people had a hand in it, I had a hand in that. Don’t you see?”

I squinted my lids, inclining my head as we gazed at each other.

“Camilla. Things that are meant to happen will happen regardless of our involvement. If your house went down, it’s because it was meant to.”


I swore, scoffing again.

“It’s not. It’s how things are designed. Why do people die then? Good people. Lovely people who haven’t done one single bad thing. Why do babies die during birth? It’s because they were meant to. It hurts sometimes. It rips us apart most times. We aren’t the same anymore, we often blame ourselves but you must understand that there are much bigger forces, I’m not the religious type but I get that much. If something happens, it’s because it has already been set in stone. We can’t change it.”

I choked on a tear. His words dawned on me.

“It does not heal the wound inside of me or make me feel less guilty.”

“That’s not the point of telling you, Cam.”

He breathed. I blinked again.

Cam. I loved the sound of that.

“I’m telling you so you don’t hate yourself for all of eternity.”

He affirmed, taking another step.

“Thank you, Dylan.”

I mouthed as he reached where I stood, spreading both hands and pulling me straight into his arms.

“As for your parents, they deserve the truth. No one deserves to be lied to. No one at all. Talk to them, explain your side of the story and then you ask for forgiveness. They are your parents, they’ll have to forgive you even if it takes a while but they will.”

I twitched. Kyle had the exact stance and I planned on telling me. I agreed to wine and Dinner, then they came up with arson and all that went down the drain. I guess you can’t run from your problems. Not as long as I’d like to.


“What if they don’t?”

I muttered my sad question.

“There’s more. The insurance company has refused to pay and there’s a case. I was going to tell them, but then they revealed the cops think it’s arson, I’m scared I might be in even bigger trouble.”

“Fuck Camilla!”

He screeched, pulling my shoulders out of his chest so I could face him. Then, his hands went to my cheeks, palming my face.

“Why the hell didn’t you tell me this sooner? This isn’t a tiny case any longer. They have the cops involved and you’re playing a very bad game of chicken. It’s only a matter of time before you are caught. It’s game over. I don’t want to see you hurt. I won’t be able to bear it, please tell them and end-all of this.”

His eyes were pleading, gawking intently at mine which was watered up already.

Still, between his palm, I bobbed slowly, gasping afterwards.

He let go then pulled me back in. I couldn’t hold it in much longer, I broke out in tiny sobs, my shoulders raking. My heart is torn apart.

“They’re your parents and they love you. Even if they don’t show it and you don’t feel it, they do love you. There’s one under the thing you should know; the truth always comes out. It can’t be hidden forever. Use our past, for example, you hide it for two years, we went to the same school, our paths crossed, you even began living with me under the same roof, but as I said when it was time, the truth revealed itself because it can’t remain a secret. Not for good. The best thing is to take control of the narrative, tell them before someone else does. I will be right here with you. Every step of the way.”

I nod my head and lean into him as far as I can go.

“I’ll tell them.”

I answer, encircling my arms around his chest.

It’s solacing. My life feels as though it’s falling apart and resting in Dylan’s arms are the only comfort I can enjoy now.

Minutes later, I pulled away to face him.

It’s time.

Sucking a sharp breath, I nodded one more time then parted my lips to speak.

“I’ll go give them a call.”

“You want to tell it over the phone?”

He twitched his lips teasingly.

“No, definitely not.”

I chuckled releasing a little tension which I suppose was his aim.

“I’ll tell them to come home for just one day. I’ll say it’s urgent and hope they listen.”

I pressed down on my lips, shaking like a leaf.

“They will.”

He affirmed, stepping forward to squeeze my hands. I forced a small smile at his reassurance, resisting the urge to hug him again. I need to make the call now before something else stops me.

“Thanks a lot, Dylan. Before I forget, you owe your brother an apology. It wasn’t your place to tell your parents. You should apologize. I hope you do, and maybe both of you could talk. As brothers.”

I plopped my legs, pecking his cheeks as he would mine.

Retreating, I took a small spin and made for the door leaving him standing in the middle of the room

I’m as confident as a girl on prom night, which entails I’m nervous as hell but I will do it.


In the closures of my room, I searched for my cellphone. With each sound of the dial tone, I shook tremendously. After dialling her number, yes I’m calling my mother. It’s always mom you call when you’re frightened or in trouble. I’m both of them currently.

We’ve grown apart from the mommy’s girl I used to be.

A sad smile takes my demeanour as memories of our past invades my memory

If I’m able to earn their forgiveness, I’d like to get close again. It’s never too late.

*You can do this.*

A sharp intake of breath later, I click on the call button and try to practice my words.

She takes me by surprise and answers almost immediately.


“Hi, mom.”

I greeted nervously, smiling lowly.

“Hi dear.”

She beamed and I sniffled. She’ll be extremely disappointed.

“Camilla, is something wrong?”

She asked gently.

“Actually. There is something I need to tell you. I was hoping you and dad could come back tomorrow for a few hours.”

“Can it wait? Your dad and I…”

“No mom. Please.”

I begged, cutting her off before she’d finish.noveldrama

“Alright, my dear. I’ll tell your dad about it. We’ll be home tomorrow.”

My heart jumped a little. Okay. That’s done.

“I’ll see you tomorrow. Good-bye, mom.”

I ended the call and slowly redrew into my bed. In twenty-four hours I might be signing my death warrant. I’ve been running from the truth for so long, now that it’s in front of me, I’m scared.

I’m terrified of what’ll happen tomorrow. Their reactions when the truth slips out from my lips. Their faces as they realise their daughter is capable of such atrocities.

*What if they don’t forgive you?*

A voice whispers slowly, I seat up with my knees joined together, my hands folded at the back of my head, lowered over my laps.

*I’d just have to live with those consequences then.*

I whisper back then sob lightly.


*Author’s Note*

*Yesterday was a terrible day. Apologies for breaking the update. Will TRY to drop a second chapter later today if I can. Drop your thoughts on what you think. Xoxo.*

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