Her Graceful War Song

Chapter 1072

How small were they?

They were about the length of a pinky finger, but as thin as paper. Carissa casually grabbed a handful and threw them, and the flying daggers sank deep into the wall.

Of course, the daggers themselves didn't have that kind of power. But because of their willow-leaf shape and thinness, they became extremely powerful when propelled with inner force.

Carissa wasn't surprised. After all, she could throw leaves or flowers with nearly the same precision and power. Of course, the damage wouldn't compare to a throwing knife, which was far more effective-deadly, even.

She thought back to a visit from her third and seventh uncles when they had come to Meadow Ridge. At the time, Adrian had been experimenting with concealed weapons. She had just started training and had complained to her uncles. She said if only there were a hidden weapon that was both easy to use and lethally effective, it would be perfect.

Suddenly, a memory struck her. Her expression changed, and she quickly grabbed the bracelet. She poured a few more needles from the syringe, placed them into the small opening of the ruby, and closed it. She pressed down on the sapphire, and with two sharp hisses, the steel needles shot out with incredible force. Both needles embedded themselves into the wooden beam above her.

Since she had aimed upward, the needles lodged into the beam. But if she had been facing an enemy, the needles would have struck with lightning speed, so fast that the target wouldn't have time to react.

She remained dazed for a long time, tears streaming down her face.

This was exactly what she had told Wade. If there were a hidden weapon that didn't rely on inner force but could still be powerful on its own, she could use it even if gravely injured or on the verge of death. She would be able to take her enemy's life and avenge herself. Wade had actually created it.

At the time, she had only been speaking casually. She knew how difficult it was to craft such a concealed weapon, especially one disguised as jewelry.

She couldn't help but sob aloud.

Outside, Rafael had been listening closely. He had heard the sound of the throwing knife earlier, but the needles had been completely silent to him. However, Carissa's crying reached his ears loud and clear. "Carissa, what's wrong?" he called out in a panic.

Carissa wiped her tears and opened the door. She held up the bracelet, letting the light reflect off it as she waved it before him.

"This is a gift from my seventh uncle, Uncle Wade."

Rafael's sharp eyes immediately noticed that the bracelet was different. What seemed like a crack was in truth a hidden clasp with a mechanism inside.

"It can hold steel needles," Carissa said excitedly, pulling him inside. She quickly took a few needles from the syringe and began loading them into the bracelet. This time, she filled it to its maximum capacity. It could hold more than twenty needles.

The bracelet's round design

accommodated the slightly flexible steel needles. Once inside, the clasp's mechanism bent the needles slightly When triggered, the needles would spring straight as they launched, gaining additional acceleration from the snapback

motion. This made their force upon release truly extraordinary.

Carissa tested it again, aiming upwards. Her shot missed the mark slightly, and the angle was just a bit off.

Rafael noticed the issue and adjusted the bracelet for her. He rotated the sapphire slightly, shifting it an inch. When the needles launched this time, they shot out straight and hit the correct angle.

"So, if an enemy is in front of me, the sapphire shouldn't point directly at them? It needs to be offset by an inch?" Carissa asked, intrigued.

"Exactly. If it's aimed directly at them..."

Carissa removed the bracelet, placed it on the ground, and adjusted its direction. Lying flat on her stomach, she triggered the sapphire. The needles shot out-but instead of flying straight, they arced back toward her original position. In other words, if the sapphire was aligned directly with an enemy, the needles would loop back toward the bracelet's user. The added tension from the bend increased the force of the needles, making them even deadlier.

"Incredible," Rafael muttered, clearly

impressed. "It's a reverse

mechanism. If you don't adjust the bracelet, you risk hurting yourself And if the bracelet falls into an enemy's hands, they won't know the trick. The moment they activate it, they'll end up injuring themselves."

"Why didn't Uncle Wade mention this? If I hadn't noticed, I could have hurt myself!" Carissa exclaimed.

Rafael frowned thoughtfully. He

doubted Wade would havenoveldrama

overlooked such an important detail.

Searching the box where the

bracelet had been stored, he didn't find anything at first. But then he cked

noticed a piece of brocade

beneath a wooden box that had been set aside.

He lifted it, revealing a fabric covered in dense, handwritten notes.

"It's a letter from your seventh uncle," Rafael said, handing it to her carefully. "Do you want to read it?"

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