Denied by Destiny: Trapped in the Shadows of the Mate Bond

Chapter 56

Alora POV

"Of your wife?"

I couldn't keep quiet anymore. He needed to know that am aware of what I have woken up to.

That he married another.

Than's eyes remain on me constantly, his teeth flashing slightly but I don't doubt for one moment who they are meant for...not me that's for sure.

She took something from him, something he needed back.

"Out! Both of you out!" He roars at the beta couple, kicking them out of the alpha house and slamming the door behind them.

"I want to know everything..."

"Everything." His hands remain on the door, his head twisting back to look at me.

""You claim to love me..."

"I do love you." His roar is deafening as it echoes down the hallway. I can hear Freya gasp from the other side of the front door before Zane orders her away.

It's too late to hide away from this now. I was only starting to realise what this adoption certificate could mean. I couldn't go back to before, I have to let him know that I know. "You claim to love me, yet you married another..."

"It wasn't like that." He moves away from the door, his hand now pinching at the bridge of his nose. He never liked arguing with me, or I him.

But I have to get this off my chest, no matter how uncomfortable it makes him.

""You married another, whilst I was in my coma."

"I had the pressure of the pack, of my parents needing an heir..." His hands find mine instantly, placing them together and pulling them to his chest. To his beating heart.

"But Than, she looks like me, she is me...look..." He could have picked anyone, yet he picked a person with a striking resemblance to me. As if I were still looking back at him.

I walk us into his office, reaching into this top desk drawer and pulling out a photograph of him and Kaia on their wedding day. Of her wearing the same dress I am now dressed in.

"How did you find this?" A slight growl rumbles in his chest. Perhaps he was feg guilty for not burning it himself. He accuses me of keeping a memory...yet he keeps this...but now wasn't the time for me to bring that up. "I found it in your desk drawer..." I bite my lower lip waiting for his alpha aura to crash into me. I shouldn't have looked through his things, I know this.

"You went through my things..."

"You went through my things...

"That's different."


"Because she was never a threat to you but Hector was a threat to me." His voice is raised, always raised when it comes to Hector. "You married slept with her." I whisper back, just because I don't raise my voice doesn't mean I'm not hurting just as much.

"No I never...." An automatic robotic denial comes to his mouth until he stops.

I can see it in his eyes, a memory. Something he has been keeping from me.

He has slept with her.

I think this hurts more than him marrying her, than him keeping her a secret from me.

"Who is she?" I clutch at my stomach, sharp pain running through me.

"Alora..." He takes a step towards me but I take a step back.

"Than... Just tell me who is she?"

"She's nobody. I was a college, I saw first I thought it was you. A hoped that maybe you had woken up to come and find me. To take me out of my own living hell."

"I don't understand. Why did you marry her? What reason would you have to marry someone that looked like me. Was it to carry out some kind of sick fantasy of still living with me but I was half dead in the hospital... "No nothing like that, it was the pull of the bond at first..."


"The bond?" I can't believe what I am hearing.

"You can feel a bond with her, a mate bond..."

His silence speaks volumes to me.

"Than, is she your mate?"

"No you are."

"But if you have a mate bond with her...and with could mean..."


"I need to speak with your Mother and's urgent that they come back."

"Then I will ask that they come back."

He holds his arms out to me, the version of a white flag for him. Calling for peace between us.

He pulls me into his chest, holding me tightly fearful toilet me go w

I was also his.noveldrama

My mind was spinning.

If Than had two mate bonds, and so did I...this must mean that Kaia and I are connected somehow. 1

My recent discovery of an adoption certificate calling into doubt my parentage...could it be I was related to Kaia.

"I want to know something. Something I want you to be honest with me about."

"Alora..." He shakes his head wanting us to forget all of this, but we can't. I can't brush this aside.

"Please Than, please..."


"Why didn't you mark her and make her your Luna."

"Because I always hoped you would wake up."

"Then why haven't you marked me?"

"Mother wants you to have a marking ceremony."

"Then let's do it."


"Lets have our marking ceremony, you will mark me and make me your Luna."

His eyes pour into mine, a level of concern laced within his eyes. I knew Than better than I knew myself. He was contemplating something....something about her. "Okay...let's do it."

"We will?" A smile erupts from my face.

"Yes..let's hold a marking ceremony. Alora, I've never been in any doubt that you bg to me and I bg to you. So let's show it to the world once and for all." "And you will invite every alpha and luna?"

He pauses, a frown briefly entering his face before he replaces it with a smile.

"I will invite every Alpha and Luna."

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