Claire: The Forced Virgin Of The Billionaire

Drake’s Story Chapter 10

I said a silent prayer that he wouldn’t change his mind and leave without me.

I recovered, pushing away the memories of the last time seawater was forced down my throat and nodded, “Yeah. I’m okay.” And strangely, I wasn’t lying.

Drake’s POV

We hung out in the water for a bit, me swimming and her sitting down in the shallow water just watching me. Then back in the room I got a shower. Then she took one. We had to get ready for the dinner I’d been asked to attend.

I just had to get through tonight and then tomorrow morning we’d be outta here. They’d have her passport ready and then after the 18 hour flight we’d be back on home soil. I’d get her to my place and then I’d tell her that it’d all been a ruse. And then I’d figure out how to keep her safe, keep us all safe, while giving her back her freedom.

Somehow Azriel and I would work to figure out how to gracefully exit this business. At first I’d thought maybe we could buy everyone out to eliminate the threat and then shut it down so we could deal that way and put all Uncle’s ill-gotten money to good use.

Stan had revealed that there was more off-shore money aside for us and it meant that me, my brother and all my cousin siblings were extremely wealthy, filthy rich.

We were already quite wealthy with Uncle’s estate back home but the off shore money? There was a lot of it.

But when I found out today what the revenue levels for this place were and when I found out some of the names involved I knew that was not an option for us. Not even close. No one would sell this cash cow for any price and even if we’d miraculously been able to pull enough cash together the members would certainly balk at it being dismantled.

But I’d have to find some way to deal, do all this while also finishing the clean-up of the rest of the business so I could sell it all off and move the f**k on with my life just like my brother had.

When she came out of the bathroom in a short yellow silk robe she asked me if she could speak and then asked what she should wear for the dinner. I hesitantly reached into the box that Gan Chen had given me that morning when he talked about the dinner.

“Did you bring a collar for your Felicia or should I have one provided?” He had asked.

“I’ll need to borrow one for while we’re here.” I’d told him. Every slave I’d seen so far at the resort wore one.

The royal blue velvet box contained a choker necklace that was bejeweled with three strings of square-cut blue sapphires. It was dainty rather than ostentatious and it looked more like a choker necklace than a dog collar but the intention was obviously still there. The three strands of jewels came to a rectangular platinum clasp at the back and at the front they came to a circle. Dangling from the platinum circle was a heart shaped platinum dangling cutout pendant. Beside it was a matching lapel pin and cufflinks for me in blue sapphires.

“No need to borrow. Please accept this as a gift with my sincere best wishes for you and your Felicia,” he’d said.

It was the same shade as her eyes. I opened the box and lifted it out for her.

“It’s formal. Choose something formal that goes with this, if you can.” I said. She looked at the collar for two beats and then shook herself free of what looked like a trance. She lifted her hair and tilted her throat and turned her back on me. I took a deep breath and then I fastened it around her slender and beautiful neck, resisting the odd urge to put my lips to her throat. She let her hair drop and then turned and looked at me, tears shining in her eyes. The dainty collar made her eyes stand out in a way that took my breath away for a second.

Seeing it on her neck stirred up emotions in me that I couldn’t describe even if I wanted to. It was a beautiful piece of jewelry but what it stood for? Not beautiful. There was a sour taste in my mouth. As I backed away from her to head to the balcony for a smoke her expression and posture both dropped.

** ** **

In the banquet room I’d been invited to that night there was a table for 12 that was up on a platform three steps up. I didn’t know what sordid events were to take place but the whole thing set my teeth on edge. Felicia was on my arm in a little black strapless short cocktail dress and blue strapped high heels, toes and fingernails painted metallic blue and her hair pinned up with curly tendrils cascading down. When we arrived I saw that we were the last to arrive and that between each chair was a cushion. Most of the guests had a woman on her knees on the cushion beside them. One had a man as his slave. I fought back the rising rancid disgust in my gut at the entire scene.

Their cushions matched their collar colors. Some had leashes attached to their collars. Every one of them wore a collar of some sort.

As I approached it Felicia let go of my arm and let me step ahead and she went right to her knees on the satin royal blue pillow beside my chair, which was at the foot of the table. It was going to take a lot to hold my attitude in check tonight.

Gan Chen rose from the head of the table.

“Welcome guests. Everyone, this is Drake, nephew of Tom, our dear departed friend and partner. This dinner is in honor of the loss of Tom.”

I clenched my teeth.

Everyone expressed welcomes and I got introductions. A few that sat close by offered their condolences for my loss. I hadn’t known the tone of the evening when invited to this dinner but what Chen said next gave me a sense of relief.

“In light of the occasion this will be a standard meal. We’re serving all of Tom’s favorites. For anyone looking for play, there will be play in the Townsend room after dessert, also in honor of Tom.”

I looked down to Felicia. She was kneeling on the cushion, face pure and sweet like an angel, her expression blank, revealing nothing about what she was thinking.

Thankfully the meal was fairly uneventful. I had no idea if s*x would happen in the room, if the servers would be nude. I had no clue at all what to expect but it was a lot like a formal business dinner like dozens I’d sat through at tables with people I didn’t like but with a big exception; slaves at the feet of the businessmen.

Two of the men at the table were partners, then there was Gan Chen, Rafe Ruiz, and several other club members. I had to follow suit and feed her from my fingers like the others. She accepted food graciously from my fingers without looking up at me. I made sure she ate more than I did.

I noticed the other “masters” were not nearly as generous with their slaves. I was anxious to get back to the room. I got through the meal as best as I could, trying to be cordial but there were conversations that took place in there that had turned my brain upside down. And a few stories were told about my Uncle and things that had gone on while he was here that made me feel absolute disgust.

One older guy, probably around 60, who was seated to my left, had looked down at Felicia with l**t in his eyes and said, loud enough for the entire room to hear, “Sad to see her go. You’ll be very happy, son. Very.”

He’d licked his lips but I c****d a brow at him in challenge and then he went red-faced.

He’d had her. He’d f****d her and he was staring at what he wouldn’t have again with l**t in his eyes.

All of it was a true test of self-control for me.

I’d have liked nothing better than to put bullets in the skulls of every single motherfucking scumbag in that room, him first. I looked around. Every eye in the room that wasn’t the eye of a slave was on me and I suspected every eye in that room’d had her. I clenched my teeth and Chen and Ruiz both seemed to read my body language. Ruiz whispered in his boss’s ear and that’s when Gan Chen had ended things.

Ruiz’d probably told him I was possessive and he wisely ended the festivities.

I declined offers for “play” in the Townsend room, not wanting to f*****g know. I needed a cigarette, my smokes were back in the room, and I wasn’t about to leave her unattended for a second.

** ** **

When we arrived back in the room it was 10:30 and I knew we were leaving at 9:00 in the morning so after coming back in from the balcony I said, “We should get some sleep. We’re leaving bright and early.” Ruiz was to deliver her travel documents to me by 8:00.

“May I speak, Master?” she asked.

“Speak,” I answered.

“What would you like me to dress for bed in?”

“Something that makes you comfortable,” I answered, taking off my cufflinks.

She looked at the floor.

“What is it, Felicia?”

She kept her eyes on the floor and was about to speak.

“Look at me, angel.”

She swallowed hard and her whole body locked tight but she looked at me.

“What is it?” I asked.

“Nothing,” she said as she looked at me and then she flinched almost as if I was going to strike her.

I didn’t know what was on her mind. I looked at her for a minute, trying to get a read on her.

“Would you choose something for me, please, Drake?” she piped up, finally, breaking the awkward silence. Why was she so pale?

“You okay?”

She nodded, “Yes.”

I sighed, exasperated. I walked to her trunk and inspected the contents. There was a lot of lace. A lot of white lace. f*****g figured. Why did this trunk have to be filled with s**t that did it for me?

During my tour I’d been told that if I’d elected to leave her in for further training I could specify the types of clothing to be sent home with her, my preferred attire. White lace would be my preferred attire if this was what I actually wanted.

Since I was foregoing the ‘transition training’ she was being sent home with me with a mixture of clothes. I found a virginal looking long silky white nightgown with spaghetti straps. I also found a blue crotchless and nipple-less merry widow as well as some other sexy lingerie in just about every color of the rainbow. I passed her the long white nightgown as it was the least revealing.

When she returned from the bathroom she was in it and she looked even more alluring than I’d expected. I hadn’t noticed the nightgown had a side slit almost to the h*p and most of the chest area was transparent lace and sheer.

Her hair was now down and she still wore the blue collar, which I thought was odd. I tried to deny my brain from thinking about how f*****g sexy she looked with her wild curls and that necklace matching her eyes.

“You want help removing that?” I asked and reached for her neck.

She gasped and locked tight.

“What?” I froze in my tracks, my hands in midair.

“I don’t want it off. I never want it off.” Her eyes were wide, frenzied. I was startled at that. It was like she was coming unglued. I backed away and gave her space.

I went to the washroom and saw that some of her things were out on the countertop. A blue stone-handled hairbrush. It looked antique. A toothbrush. Some facial cleanser and moisturizer. I got a twinge at her things sharing space with mine. Her toothbrush was lying directly beside mine. Her hairbrush directly beside mine. Deconstructing it, it was almost territorial. Yeah, she’d probably need some counseling once I got her out of here.

I got ready for bed and when I strode out in my boxer briefs, having forgotten to bring clothes in again, she reacted. She was seated at the foot of the bed and she fisted the bedding. Yeah, that was nice for my ego but I had to pretend not to notice.

It was hot in the room despite the AC so I decided that I’d forego the track pants tonight and threw the blanket to the foot of the bed and then climbed in under the top sheet in my underwear. I thought back to that morning, waking up with my c**k against her a*s and got instantly hard.

Down boy.

“Come to bed,” I said and she spun around, hiked up the nightgown, and was on her knees crawling slowly toward the head of the bed. She looked f*****g amazing.

Blazing wavy hair falling over one shoulder, her eyes on me and with visions of s*x in them, her luscious t**s spilling out of the low cut white silky nightgown as she crawled slowly toward me. I turned on my side so that I’d have my back to her when she got to the top and ground my teeth tight as I flicked the lamp off.

She was beside me, under the covers, and I felt her breath on my back. She was winded.noveldrama

I squeezed my eyes tight and tried to ignore her sweet scent, the warm breath on me, the tingling in my f*****g groin.

Motherfucking scumbags.

** ** **

I was dreaming of her; she was riding me, her gorgeous hair spilling around her shoulders, her beautiful t**s bouncing, her eyes on me and filled with want.

“I’m all yours, Master, for forever, and for anything your heart desires,” she’d huskily said in the dream and it sounded so hot. So f*****g hot.

I had one of her h**s in my hand and the index finger of my other hand was looped through the dangling heart pendant, holding on. In the dream I bounced her on my c**k. f**k it felt good.

Somehow I knew I was dreaming and had a lucid thought that it felt too intense and real to be a dream. My eyes bolted open and that’s when I realized she was under the blankets and she had my c**k in her mouth.

She had me deep and she was applying the perfect amount of suction. f**k. I had her hair wrapped around my fist.

“Felicia,” I rasped, “Stop.”

She kept going, sucking me deeper. f**k that felt good. I had to make her stop.

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